Resume # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Resume 1

Samples represent that of an actual working technical professional found on the WEB and modified to protect the privacy of these professionals. Human names, company names, colleges, software product names are intentionally made up.


Harry Goldman

Sunny Beach, CA


Bachelor of Professional Aeronautics
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - Daytona Beach, Florida


Visual Basic 4.0/5.0/6.0 , ADO, SQL, MS Access 2.0, 97, 2000 , MS SQL Server 6.5 , 7.0 , Oracle7, Sybase, Lotus Notes Script, ActiveX, Win32, API, SAS, C, HTML, Claris FileMaker Pro, Windows NT, Windows 2000, UNIX, VAX, VMS


To work as a value added resource in a creative\diverse environment for developing or maintaining complex to simple, multi-tier, business applications.


11 years of progressive experience with the Grundic Corporation including:

  • Produced first time quality programs in the following industries: Automotive; Aerospace; Health Care; Petroleum; and Entertainment.
  • Experience in debugging, design, development, testing and implementation of industrial applications with Environment : Visual Basic, ASP, SQL, Sybase, Access, and SQL Server in a Windows NT environment.
  • Strong back-end data manipulation background using COM programming style.
  • Solid front-end background using Microsoft s standards for form controls, structured coding , naming convention, error trapping, and documentation.


Parametric International Consulting
04/01 Current

Visual Basic/Access Consultant

British Petroleum BP / Arco

Environment : Visual Basic 6.0/ Sybase/SQL-Server 6.5/UNIX/Oracle/Access2000

Developed a security application for maintaining ID s and Usernames on 16 Unix servers hosting a replicated Sybase database in terminals throughout the West coast. Developed COM objects to encrypt/decrypt server ID s and passwords, as well as data access objects using ADO wrappers. Establish a process for converting BP s Terminal Operating System TOS written in Visual Basic 3.0 to 6.0 Visual Basic application. Converted 16 bit controls to 32 bit controls and made the necessary code changes. Worked in a team environment using SourceSafe, Rapid-SQL, Transact-SQL,SQL-PLUS Oracle and Unix scripting. Created simple maintainable and easy to test code using API wrapper for INI files , and Registry entries. Performed on call duties on TOS related issues by handling trouble tickets application supported 24/7, 365 days a year opened in Vantive Support System. Modified SQL statements in the Gas Ordering System application due to changes in the Petrosoft s Oracle database tables. Performed maintenance on application using Microsoft s Winsock control that interfaces with IBM mainframe. Created and modified stored procedures.

Toyota Corporation 08/00 02/01

Environment : Visual Basic 6.0/ Access97/SQL-Server 7.0/ASP

Developed, modified, and debugged Toyota s leasing ordering system and financial system at the headquarter facility in Torrance. Vehicles are ordered through Lotus Notes and maintained through an Access97 front-end. The back-end data stored on a SQL Server 7.0 database. Ten users clerks and office administrators utilized the two tier application to handle the administration of cars in service that were sold or leased to over two thousand associates employees in the southern California area. The Access97 front end contained over 100 tables, 50 forms, and modules. Scheduled SQL Server MTS Packages to clean up data dumped via Lotus Agents from Lotus database documents created daily from new car activity. Daily activities included working developing new GUI s for enhanced functionality of existing business practices rules not already incorporated in the newly deployed application 1 year . Responded to users problems new application bugs by debugging and fixing them as a number one priority. Prepared documentation for training and desktop procedures. Created and modified Lotus Notes agents and SQL Server 7.0 MTS Packages for data manipulation. Performed job duties in a team environment with five programmers 2- VB/Access , 3 Lotus Notes . Created VB 6.0 executables for deployment of application through Lotus Notes agent.

Pacific Medical Care 05/00 08/00

Environment : Visual Basic 6.0/ Sheridan Grid/Toolbar/Listbar

Debugged and modified developmental phase of Pacific Medical Care s Reconcile Billing financial application. This Two tier application would replace 400 manual laborers that reconcile bills for the entire Pacific Care organization. The application was built on a VB 6.0 front-end consisting of class modules, Sheridan Grid for accounting , Sheridan Toolbar \ Toollist, and approximately 50 forms. The backend resided on mainframe DB tables which interfaced with VB via and program called ACMS. Daily activities included working with a weekly revised squawk and enhancement list controlled by a project manager and distributed to a team of six programmers 3 VB , 3 Cobol . Each squawk or enhancement was given an allotted amount of time to work which were closely monitored by the project manager for project cost control. Utilized version control and synchronized code through SourceSafe.

ElMapsUSA inc., Hot Rod Magazine 02/00 05/00

Environment : Access97/ Class Modules

Performed routine maintenance on Hot Rod Magazine s Special Events reservation system. The two tier Access97 Application consist of 20 forms, Acess97 security, 30 tables and ActiveX documents class modules . User group consist of two phone preservationists, office manager, and manager. Daily duties included implementing front-end change request and generating reports.

Grundic Corporation

Visual Basic Developer, Sr. Methods Engineer

Environment : Visual Basic 5.0/ Access 97/Microsoft Project 98/SQL/SAS

Developed a world class scheduling and data warehouse application for the new Grundic 717 aircraft. Users were able to switch between the scheduling system and the database via a front-end. Trivial scheduling knowledge was incorporated in code to eliminate the learning curve of the new engineers. Built SQL statement on the fly using pull-down menus and check boxes in a Visual Basic 5.0 front-end to query an Access97 database. Designed an optimal one-to-many relationship layout of tables in an Access97 database back-end. Substantiated Microsoft Project 97 in code via a Visual Basic 5.0 front-end for viewing schedule data from the database. Utilized the Win32 API for server connection to the database. Finally, incorporated Error handlers for run-time errors. Performed testing, distribution, documentation, and training on final application. Utilize SAS to populate database with actual start and finish times for over 2000 tasks store in archive on As400 mainframe.

Access Developer / Sr. Methods Engineer

Access/Environment : Visual Basic/Microsoft Project/SQL

Delivered an in-house scheduling system using Microsoft Access as a front-end and data warehouse, while integrating Microsoft Project as a scheduling engine in producing schedules for the build-up of the MD80 and MD90 aircraft. Created a multi-user database and graphical user interface for a team of ten Industrial Engineers and five USC intern students. The database was originally populated with 7,000 records with the aid of Teradata s SQL from the mainframe. A text file was generated on the mainframe and downloaded into the PC environment using Extra. This text file was imported into Access. Forms, pull-down menu s, buttons, and radio dials were used as GUI s for navigating through the database. Utilizing Visual Basics 5.0, data could be passed from Microsoft Project into Microsoft Access and vice versa. Visual Basic in code was used for massive updating of records. Security was added to prevent unwanted intrusion and inadvertent updating of someone else data. Performed testing, distribution, documentation, and training on final application.

Application Developer / Sr. Methods Engineer

Environment: Unix Based Compass/SQL/Microsoft Project

Tested , Developed, and converted NASA s Space Shuttle operations scheduling system Unix based into a manufacturing application for scheduling the build-up of aircraft MD80 s Nose as pilot . Using the MD80 Nose Build-up as a pilot, resources and predecessor information was downloaded from the legacy mainframe system using Teradata s SQL for 300 Assembly Orders AO s . Microsoft Project was used as an intermediate tool to store the scheduling data for testing prior to FTPing a generated text file into the Unix based Compass scheduling system. In Compass, true constraint based schedules were produced with the aid of Script programming. Performed testing, distribution, documentation, and training on final application.

Filemaker Pro Developer/ Sr. Methods Engineer

Environment: Claris Filemaker Pro/SQL

Built a database to automate the auditing check of 2,000 Assembly Orders AO required to build the Aft Fuselage of the C-17 Transport Aircraft. This task normally took eight Industrial Engineers three 8- hour days 192 Hours . Using Teradata and SQL, a query program was written to extract the customer requirements of AO s from the legacy mainframe system. A text file was generated and imported into Claris Filemaker Pro PC Platform Application Database . A front-end was built with buttons and pull-down menu s. Scripts were use in the backend to give the database performance power. The GUI was used by the eight Engineers to navigate to their respective data set. Security was added to prevent unwanted intrusion and inadvertent updating of someone else data. Auditing time was reduced to ten minutes with only one person. Performed testing, distribution, documentation, and training on final application.

Web Developer / Sr. Methods Engineer

Environment: HTML/Adobe Acrobat/Adobe Photoshop

Created an internal Intranet site that would host information regarding the department s organization structure, reports, calendar of events, and feedback. Created a Web Site using Adobe Photoshop for the graphics and Adobe Acrobat to view and download reports. Tables were utilized for visual appearance. Microsoft Word Editor , Hotmetal Pro, and Netscape Editor were used for HTML programming. Performed testing, distribution, documentation, and training on final application.

ARC Shop Inc.
09/93 12/93

HTML Consultant

Environment: HTML/FrontPage/Adobe Photoshop

Developed online inventory and product description website using FrontPage. Coordinated with Graphic Artist for layout details and images.

Resume 2

Samples represent that of an actual working technical professional found on the WEB and modified to protect the privacy of these professionals. Human names, company names, colleges, software product names are intentionally made up.


Sekar Rapumal

Los Angeles, CA


Over eight years of professional experience including four years in Internet/Web development projects and four years in Client/Server projects. Experience in various phases of the software development life cycle including design, analysis, coding, testing and implementation. International experience of working in different countries including India, Germany, Singapore and USA as an Architect and Senior Developer in projects involving Internet & Client/Server technologies. In depth knowledge in n-tier applications including Front End programming, mid tier business objects development and database programming.

Technical Skills:

Visual Basic, IIS, ASP, HTML, XML, VB Script, JavaScript, Java, C, Assembly Z80, ActiveX, COM, DCOM, MTS, COM+, OLEDB, ADO, RDS, Visual Interdev, Visual Source Safe, Clear Case, Crystal Reports, Visual Studio .NET, Microsoft Windows NT/2000, MS-Windows, MS-DOS, SQL Server 7.0/2000, MS Access, Oracle, PL/SQL, Forms 4.5, Report Writer 2.5, Developer 2000.


Bachelor of Engineering, in Computer Science and Engineering June 1990 - May 1994 ,
Department of Computer Science and Engineering - University of Madras, Madras, India 600 005

Professional Experience

Jun 98 To Jun 2002
CyberSearch, Inc. - Monro, NJ

Senior Developer

Client: AmeriBank Development Center, Los Angeles, CA Sep 98 - Jun 02

  • Performed as a Senior Developer for the CitiDirect Card Management system. A Web-based program management system developed by Citibank to provide the Federal Government agencies and Corporations with user-friendly tools that allowed for faster, easier, and more integrated access to Citibank Services.
  • Involved in different phases of the life cycle including requirements, design, analysis, coding, testing and performance testing.
  • Developed User Interface using ASP, HTML, VB Script and Java Script including code to support both Internet Explorer and Netscape browsers.
  • Participated in the configuration and deployment of the web sites in web servers using IIS.
  • Developed functions to read data from database into XML strings using MSXML2 objects. Developed functions to transform XML data using XSL templates.
  • Developed code for security issues including hacking.
  • Developed Java script functions including loading frames, constructing query strings.
  • Developed COM components in VB to implement business rules and data access objects.
  • Developed VB utilities for data export and import.
  • Involved in the application and database design including writing Technical Design Documents TDD .
  • Developed database schema scripts, stored procedures and triggers.
  • Involved in application performance enhancements
  • Used Visual Source Safe and Clear case for source control.
  • Tools Used: Windows NT/2000, IIS, Visual InterDev, ASP, HTML/DHTML, XML/XSL, VB Script, JavaScript, VB 6.0, ActiveX, COM, DCOM, OLEDB, ADO, SQL Server, Oracle, MS Access, Visual Source Safe, Clear Case

Client: Crystal Frontiers, New York, NY Jun 98 - Sep 98

  • Performed as a Senior Developer for a Web based Time Accounting System. A France based Cosmetics Co.
  • Developed server side COM objects in Visual Basic to implement business rules.
  • Developed Data Grid ActiveX user control in Visual Basic 5.0, data access objects using ActiveX Data Objects ADO and Remote Data Service RDS .
  • Developed user interface in ASP and HTML for Time Entry screen, Expense Tracker, Project creation, Maintenance of system s user accounts and access levels.
  • Development of modules to generate reports including Project cost by department, Percent effort by category and division.
  • Tools Used: Windows NT 4.0, Visual Basic 5.0, Visual InterDev, HTML, ASP, VB Script, Java Script, IIS, Active X, COM, OLEDB, ADO, RDS, Oracle, Visual Source Safe.

Dec 97 To May 98
Detheiler International - Bombay, India

Senior Developer

Client: Emil Tager GmbH & Co. KG, Muenster, Germany Dec 96 - May 98

  • Involved in the project Man Machine Interface MMI for welding machines used for making wire meshes , weaving machines and finishing machines.
  • Designed and developed the user interface layer in VB which included onscreen display of weaving patterns, welding mesh patterns, configurations of machine settings and dynamic display of machine status.
  • Designed and developed user interface for mesh design using Visual Basic 5.0.
  • Developed utilities for programming the mesh design, generating images from users numerical data.
  • Worked with the legacy data accessing it via Oracle database using ODBC.
  • Developed modules to remotely submit standard or Custom design mesh orders to various welding machines connected to the Windows NT network.
  • Wrote communication interface between the MMI and the machine through Siemens S7 Windows DLLs.
  • Created reports using Crystal reports.
  • Designed Context sensitive help using HMPro software.
  • Designed multi-lingual capabilities for the system including dynamic language switching, error messages, help messages.
  • Developed Object Oriented modules for data retrieval, storage and validation.
  • Tools Used: Windows NT 4.0, Visual Basic 4.0/5.0, DAO/RDO, COM, Oracle, MS Access 97, Crystal Reports, HMPro

Sep 95 To Nov 96
Kenmar Industrial Systems Limited - Madras, India


Client: Indian Railways - Supervisor control and Data Acquisition SCADA Sep 95 - Nov 96

  • The project was developed for Indian Railways for remote monitoring and controlling of power supply on the electric lines running above railway tracks. The Master software, which controlled all the operations, ran on UNIX environment and was developed using C . The user interface ran on Windows 3.10 and was developed using Visual Basic 3.0.
  • Developed user interface screens in Visual Basic 3.0 to display and configure the Power supply diagrams.
  • Developed modules to handle user commands and alarm conditions.
  • Tools Used: Unix, Windows 3.1, Visual Basic 3.0, C, Windows 3.1 SDK, DAO, MS Access 1.1

Sep 94 To Aug 95
Redwood Microsystems Limited - Madras, India


Client: Redwood Microsystems - Madras, India - Microprocessor based Controller for Home Security Systems Mar 95 - Aug 95

  • Programmed the modules handling the signals from various sensors according to the security setup.
  • Designed and developed an interface to configure the security setup through 16 keys keyboard interface with single line 16-character display in Z80 assembly language.
  • Designed and developed user friendly GUI to configure the security setup using Visual Basic 3.0.
  • Tools Used: MS DOS 6.22, Z80 assembly, Visual Basic 3.0

Client: Srimagal Printing Company - Madras, India Sep 94 - Feb 95

  • Part of the team that worked with the Order and Production Handling System developed for a printing company to computerize their Order and Factory production details.
  • Designed and developed user screens and reports using VB and MS Access.
  • Tools Used: Windows 3.1, Visual Basic, MS Access, DAO

Jun 94 To Aug 94
Software Solutions Integrated - Madras, India

Programmer Trainee

  • Worked in the prototype applications for banking systems.
  • Developed user entry screens and reports.
  • Tools Used: SQL*Plus, PL/SQL, SQL*Forms 3.0, SQL*Report Writer, Unix, Oracle 7.0


Hands on training on C Programming and UNIX - Brilliant Computers Training Center, Madras, India.
Hands on training on Oracle 7.0, Forms 3.0, Reports 2.0 - Software Solution Integrated, Madras, India.
Workshop on Oracle 8.0, Forms 4.5, and Reports 2.5 conducted - Software Solution Integrated, Madras, India.

Resume 3

Samples represent that of an actual working technical professional found on the WEB and modified to protect the privacy of these professionals. Human names, company names, colleges, software product names are intentionally made up.


Dennis Kennedy

Professional Summary

  • Over 10 years of Visual Basic (2.0 - .NET) development experience with strong knowledge of utilizing object oriented programming and third-party components.
  • Extensively uses classes, modules and common coding naming standards and has experience in creating OLE servers.
  • Extensive experience in all phases of development from program analysis/design to shipping the final product and providing post-sales support.
  • Extensive experience in building web sites with IIS, ASP, ASP.NET and Visual Basic.
  • Author of the book (and web site) VB Tips & Tricks (released May 1997 by Mabry Publishing).
  • Author of the book David McCarter VB Tips & Techniques (released June 2000 by Apress)
  • UCSD Extension Teacher - Teaches and develops college level VB.NET, ASP.NET, Visual Basic Intro, Visual Basic Intermediate, Visual Basic ActiveX COM, Web Application Development Using VB and Visual Basic Database courses.

Technical Summary

Visual Basic (2.0 - .Net), ActiveX COM, OCX, DLL s, Win32 API, ASP, IIS, MTS, Microsoft Scripting Engine, Access, ADO, SQL Server, XML, Java Script.


SpecialistsFlow, Inc., Chicago, IL (working from San Diego, Ca)
July 2001 - Present


  • Developed customer front-end web sites in ASP to allow potential candidates to enter their information and submit resumes for job openings. These pages used an SQLServer backend and communicated via XML. These pages also used Java Script for client-side validation.
  • Developed a Question Engine that allowed customers to ask candidates questions during the information retrieval process on their web site. This engine allowed customers to identify "disqualifying" answers. These answers would be used to atomically disqualify a candidate with no interaction from a recruiter. This Question Engine included ASP.NET web pages for the customer to maintain their questionnaires.
  • Helped to develop a custom back office solution for our customers so that they can view, update and get reports on the contacts that submitted their information through their front-end web site. This back office is written in ASP.NET, C#, VB.NET using SQLServer, XML, .NET Assemblies and .NET Windows Services.
  • Migrated ASP pages to ASP.NET

Xelitum Inc., San Diego, Ca
October 2000 - July 2001


  • Helped to architect and develop a new, flexible web based Portal product for Venture Capital companies. This system is based on ASP, ADO, SQL Server, XML, .NET and Great Plains Software.
    • This application included the company s first .NET project that utilized Windows Service written in VB.NET, DLL assemblies written in VB.NET and reporting/searching written in ASP.NET. This application is going to be featured in an upcoming feature article in the Visual Basic Programmers Journal.
  • Helped to develop a new web based Portal demo for Venture Capital companies.
  • Developed procedures for documenting specifications, Visual Source Safe and company coding standards., San Diego, Ca
August 1999 - October 2000


  • Developed a high-speed delivery system for suppliers using Visual Basic, SQL Server, ADO and XML. This system delivers and prints orders for suppliers for product shipments. This system replaced the older fax system that could only deliver 40 orders per fax machine per hour. This new high-speed system delivers 1,300 orders per hour per printer. Videosoft featured this system in a press release.
  • Developed BackOffice reports on the administration web site to provide reporting and inventory management control for other departments in the company. This system used ASP, ADO and SQL Server.
  • Helped to architect and develop a new, flexible and faster e-commerce web site for that will meet their current and future business needs. This included writing specifications, developing code with Visual Basic, ASP, ADO, Stored Procedures and SQL Server.
  • Developed procedures for documenting specifications, Visual Source Safe and company coding standards.

Rosco Software Corporation, San Diego, Ca
January, 1997 - August 1999


  • Currently leading 14 Visual Basic projects (all aspects of the development process) that are part of Rosco s multi-tier enterprise program DesignGroup. The projects range from the creation of EXE s, ActiveX COM controls, and DLL s.
  • Performs as Web Development Team Lead in charge of a web project that ports Rosco s DesignGroup client functionality over to the web. This project uses Microsoft Internet Information Server, ASP, Java, Java Script, Visual Basic COM components, Rosco COM components, Microsoft Transaction Server and the Microsoft Scripting Engine.
  • Implemented classes via the Microsoft Development process.
  • Supervised a team of two other programmers.
  • Performs conceptual design, written specifications for all Visual Basic projects, tested and deliver.

SmartWare, San Diego, Ca
1992 - Present


Develops, markets and supports custom programs using Visual Basic and publishes Visual Basic centric information for the Visual Basic community.


  • Publisher of "VB Tips and Tricks". VBTT is a free web site dedicated to helping Visual Basic programmers. VBTT is available on the World Wide Web.
  • Is on the Editorial Advisory Board and the Technical Review Board for the Visual Basic Programmers Journal. Writes articles and edits code for the magazine.
  • Performs other writing/editing projects for Pinnacle Publishing Inc. and VBXtras


  • Developed the popular program Same<>Same. This program is a Windows file transfer utility and is sold worldwide. Same<>Same was reviewed by PC Magazine in 1995.
  • Performs custom programming projects. Recent customers include Intel, Media Architects, JASCA Corp., Radical Corp. Admit 1 Technologies and The Bare Facts.
  • Develops and supports other programs including multi-media screen savers that are sold worldwide.

Digital Creations Incorporated, San Diego, CA
October 1996 - January 1997


  • Managed day-to-day activities of development group, which included the assignment of tasks and reporting project progress to company and customers.
  • Mentored several less experienced programmers.
  • Wrote and designed a Visual Basic 4.0 32-bit program for an existing movie ticketing system that interfaced between that program and Wyse dumb terminals. This system runs on a Windows NT server and uses com ports to communicate with the terminals and ticket printers.

AWN Incorporated, San Diego, CA
November 1994 - December 1996


  • Re-designed and coded a multi-media application in Visual Basic 4 that displayed information via television sets targeted for horse racing tracks. The program used many third-party controls and an Access database to store multi-media page information. Also developed a multi-media page editing program, a scheduling program, and a program that displayed information to the television screens over a Windows for Workgroups to send the display Designed and coded a Visual Basic 4 program that allows users to purchase horse racing information and place wagers.
  • This 32-bit program used other third-party tools to display spreadsheet information, perform remote dial-up of web server back-end, display HTML information and more. Program uses TCP/IP and http protocols to send requests and receive information form a UNIX-based web server on a Silicon Graphics computer. This program also uses a secure Access 7 database to store user/racing information required to place wagers.
  • Designed look-and-feel (HTML, CGI, Graphics) of the IWN HomeStretch web site ( that allows users to purchase racing information and place wagers. Worked with company that wrote web server back-end scripts and programs.

Cyclesoft, San Diego, CA
May 1994 - October 1994


  • Developed new Windows-based software and enhanced existing programs. The software included programs that connect to an INFORMIX database on a UNIX mainframe.
  • Developed a multimedia program that is an electronic catalog that customers can use for product searches. The program displayed graphics, video and animation from information gathered from an Access database.

Kentec, San Diego, Ca
January 1994 - March 1994


  • Migrated company s DOS-based programs to Windows environment using Visual Basic for Windows, Microsoft Access and various third-party products.

General Atomics/CEGA, San Diego, Ca
January 1990 - January 1994


  • Used Visual Basic (Windows/DOS) and Pascal to develop in-house programs.
  • Developed custom Windows Help Files and developed custom databases using Access for Windows and dBASE.
  • Installed and configured software and hardware, and provided training and support.

References available upon request

Resume 4

Samples represent that of an actual working technical professional found on the WEB and modified to protect the privacy of these professionals. Human names, company names, colleges, software product names are intentionally made up.


Samuel Ford

Professional Summary:

My programming experience extends into the full life-cycle of E-commerce and software application development for technical industries such as: government dept. of defense, mortgage, health management, power and lighting industries, and Application Service Providers. My personal objective is to work in an aggressive, team-oriented environment that challenges my programming skills and creative abilities, while consistently having the opportunity to learn and implement emerging Internet and software technologies.


  • Visual Basic
  • ADSI
  • Visual InterDev
  • PHP
  • Visual Studio NET ASP.NET & C#
  • MySQL
  • SQL Server 6.5, 7.0, 2000
  • HTML, JavaScript, VBScript, PerlScript
  • DHTML Behaviors
  • Apache
  • ASP
  • Reqular Expressions
  • ADO
  • Oracle PL/SQL
  • T-SQL
  • C, C++
  • ERwin
  • UNIX


  • Strong troubleshooting, problem solving and system design skills.
  • Strong programming skills in Visual Basic, PHP, ASP, COM, JavaScript and VBScript.
  • Strong software architecture design skills, especially in developing N-Tier Browser based software.
  • Strong project management, communication, and interrelation skills. Personable, articulate, well organized and resourceful.


Valencia Community College
Computer Science
1998 to 1999
Orlando, Florida

Hillsborough Community College
Computer Science
1996 to 1998
Tampa, Florida

State University of NY at Stony Brook
Earned 90 of credits needed for a BA
1982 to 1986
Stony Brook, New York

Project Experience:

July 2001 To July 2002.
Z-Star Technologies, Fort Myers, Florida

Job description: E-commerce Architect .

The web site is an ASP providing a managed web-based licensing portal for subscribed local governments nation-wide. The architecture of the web site is self-managed. Each local government receives their own SQL Server database and virtual directory utilizing DTS programming and ADSI programming. I developed a user registration process that creates and customizes a SQL Server database and a virtual directory for each new user upon user registration and payment. This design eliminates the need to employ a new account administrator--a process similar in design to ISP hosting companies. I have also developed a COM transaction component, available to any Visual Basic application that requires Atomicity, an encryption component which utilizes the simple xor algorithm, and a context-sensitive help system which uses PERL to parse a RoboHelp generated index and key ASP, and several web site and table management utilities written in Visual Basic. In addition to my programming responsibilities, I am involved with heading group design issues, and organizing web site architecture and development.

Platform: MS Windows 2000 Server, MS SQL Server 2000, IIS5.
Languages and tools: Visual Basic 6, VB-COM, WebClasses, SQLDMO, SQLDTS ADSI, ASP, Homesite 5, Erwin, and extensive T-SQL.

January 2001 To May 2001.
Office Depot Technologies, Orlando, Florida

Job description: E-commerce Applications Architect.

I was involved in the re-architecture of an ASP, XML/XSLT order processing application to the JAVA platform using WebSphere and VisualAge. The application is operated by Customer Service Representatives located throughout the country with sales at two million daily. The CSRs place phone orders from corporations and Office Depot storefronts. Transactions often included B2B real-time processing. Re-architecture focused on identifying technology solutions to increase efficiency of operations in previous versions of the application.

Platform: MS NT, IBM AS/400.
Languages and tools: Visual Basic 6, Visual InterDev 6, VB-COM, IIS5, ASP, XML/XSLT, DHTML Behaviors, Homesite 5, and SQL Server 2000.

July 2000 To January 2001.
Dexeo IS, Green Valley, California

Job description: E-commerce Applications Engineer.

Developed Voxeo s corporate and customer web sites. Assisted in the development of CallXML, a telephony language based on XML and similar to VoiceXML. Assisted in the development of JSP, ColdFusion, and PHP tutorials for customer education. Worked deeply with ColdFusion and Jrun running on the Tomcat server. Voxeo is a partner of Allaire and many of Voxeo s CallXML applications are developed using either ColdFusion or Jrun.

Platform: MS NT, Apache Server, Tomcat server, JRun.
Languages and tools: ColdFusion, IIS5, ASP, XML, XSL, PHP, JAVA, DHTML Behaviors, and SQL Server 7.

February 2000 To July 2000.
American Precise Technologies, Orlando, Florida

Job description: Intranet Portal Engineer.

Product: Intranet portal for credit management services. Developed personalized web portal for employees of American Express. The portal functions as a personal window for corporate information tailored to the individual. While providing basic authentication within firewall, management could access reports, documentation, schedules, as well as tailored charts and totals using English Query Language. Employees could also access corporate news, human resource information, and their corporate E-mail.

Platform: MS NT.
Languages and tools: Visual Basic 6, Visual InterDev 6, VB-COM, IIS5, ASP, XML, XSL, ColdFusion, SQL Server 7, English Query.

June 1999 To February 2000.
United Medical Services, Oakland, Florida

Job description: Software Engineer.

Product: Three-tier client/server application for the health care offices. As a software architect, my accounting and financial background benefited Avio s business needs by helping them design and produce AP/AR modules written in Visual Basic, ATL-COM, and T-SQL stored procedures, and my previous software debugging experience benefited their incident resolution needs. I visited client sites to review their business and reporting problems, and reported my findings to team managers to assist in defining necessary modifications to production clients. Application/database connectivity was programmed using ATL-COM; business logic was programmed using T-SQL; business reporting was done using XML/XSL.

Platform: MS NT.
Languages include:Visual Basic 6, Visual InterDev 6, VB-COM, MTS, IIS4, ASP, DHTML, VBScript, Jscript, XML, XSL, SQL 6.5 / 7.0, Visual C++ 6 ATL .

April 1998 To June 1999.
MYSERV, Orlando, Florida

Job description: Sr. Programmer/Analyst.

Product development: easyLENDER software designed exclusively for the mortgage banking industry. Platform: Visual Basic 5 and 6, SQLAnywhere back-end. Performed database design, data modeling, and performance tuning using Erwin and PERL. Created many stored procedures and entity diagrams for this 200+ table database. My first accomplishment was turning a slow and redundant database into a manageable database.

Platform: MS NT.
Languages and tools: Visual Basic 6, Visual InterDev 6, VB-COM, ASP, scripting, and Sybase SQLAnywhere 5.5.

January 1998 To April 1998.
Crample Air force Base, Florida

Job description: Web developer.

Product: Military personnel and materials tracking web site for worldwide access. Assignment: ASP, VBA development and graphic design.

Platform: MS NT.
Languages and tools: Visual Basic 5, VBA, Access 97 and Macromedia.

May 1997 To December 1997.
Florida Power Corporation, White River, Florida

Job description: Programmer/Analyst.

Product: Nuclear power plant information systems upgrade and managerial tool development by migrating Oracle Forms and Access 2.0 applications to Visual Basic 4.0 and Developer 2000. Updated Oracle Pro C/C++ batch programs to Y2K compliance.

Platform: IBM AS/400, Oracle.
Languages and tools: Visual Basic 4, VBA, Access 2.0, Oracle PL/SQL, Oracle Pro C/C++.

Resume 5

Samples represent that of an actual working technical professional found on the WEB and modified to protect the privacy of these professionals. Human names, company names, colleges, software product names are intentionally made up.


Joe Jefferson


Highly qualified IT professional with over 17 years of development experience spanning mainframe, n-tier and client server platforms. Personable, professional and highly motivated individual with a proven track record of project success. Greatest strengths in:

  • Technical Project Management
  • Systems Analysis & Design
  • Web Site Design and Development
  • Database Design & Administration
  • Application Development & Coding
  • Network & Server Administration
  • Team Leadership & Collaboration
  • Verbal & Written Communication Skills
  • Problem Research & Resolution
  • Customer Needs Analysis

Extensive and diverse background in various industries including medical, insurance, e-business, cable television, telecommunications, accounting, banking, payroll, income tax, manufacturing, fleet management, inventory control and human resources.

Technical Summary

  • Operating Systems: UNIX, VM/CMS, TSO, OS/MVS, JCL, VAX/VMS, MS-DOS, Windows 3.x, Windows NT, Windows 95/98.

  • Hardware: HP, Sun, DEC and Sequent servers, DEC VAX servers, PC Compatibles, Apple and all IBM and compatible mainframes.

  • Databases: Sybase, MS SQL Server, Oracle, EDA/SQL, Watcom SQL, XBase, DB2, FOCUS.

  • Software: Microsoft Commercial Internet System, MS-Site Server, MS-Commerce Server, MS-Visual InterDev, MS-Source-Safe, MS-Team Manager, MS-Exchange Server, MS-Internet Information Server, MS-Netmeeting, MS-Outlook, MS-Publisher, Adobe Pagemaker, MS-FrontPage, MS-Project, MS-Word, MS-Excel, MS-PowerPoint, Oberon Prospero, Crystal Reports, Cognos Impromptu, InstallShield, Corel Draw, PaintShop Pro, TSO/ISPF, Panvalet.

  • Languages: MS-Visual Basic 1.0 - 6.0, COM, SQL, Objectview, PowerBuilder, FOCUS, Easytrieve, BASIC, COBOL, various Macro and Batch languages.

Professional Experience

1998 - Present
System Administrator/ Webmaster

Designer and System Administrator for small office 100BaseT network including a Windows 2000 Server running IIS 5.0. Includes broadband connectivity for main server, backup server and 4 workstations, Cisco router and Netgear firewall. Web developer and Webmaster, currently hosting seven separate commercial web sites on 24/7/365 schedule, including security.

Key Achievements:

  • Built main server, backup server and all workstations from chassis up, including all hardware and software configuration.
  • Installed and maintain all server software including Windows 2000 Server, Internet Information Server, SQL Server and MS Exchange server for multiple domains.
  • Monitor server up time, web server log, security log, DSL connectivity and report to user clients.

Technical Environment: Windows 2000 Server, Internet Information Server 5.0, SQL Server 7.0 & 2000, MS Exchange 5.5, WebPosition Gold, WebTrends.

Designed and developed web-based form processing system for Crampede Fulfillment & More. This system allows customized input forms to be created using various data elements stored in a SQL Server 2000 database. The system is self-generating so that all web forms are constructed from data maintained by non-technical users.

Key Achievements:

  • Designed site layout, navigation and page layout and created web data input forms.
  • Redesigned database structure to accommodate required elements for form creation.
  • Wrote all VBScript code to create input forms dynamically from pre-configured data elements and to save required affiliate data in SQL Server database.
  • Provide ongoing additions and site maintenance.

Technical Environment: Visual InterDev 6.0, MS Front Page, SQL Server 2000, Internet Information Server.

Designed and developed corporate presence web site for Qirkpatrick Windows, Inc. Host and maintain

Key Achievements:

  • Designed site layout, navigation and page layout and created primarily static pages using MS Front Page.
  • Designed and created all site graphics, including redesign of existing company logo.
  • Wrote all site copy to customer specifications.
  • Prepared all site photographs using both scanned photographs from film as well as digital images from Kodak DC4800 digital camera, including cropping, picture frames and thumbnails.
  • Provide ongoing additions, site maintenance and site hosting.

Technical Environment: Visual InterDev 6.0, MS Front Page, Paint Shop Pro, Internet Information Server.

Designed and developed corporate presence web site for Sorrera Technologies, Inc. Host and maintain

Key Achievements:

  • Designed site layout, navigation and page layout and created site pages using Front Page 2000.
  • Designed and created all site graphics, including design of company logo.
  • Wrote all site copy to customer specifications.
  • Provide ongoing additions, site maintenance and site hosting.

Technical Environment: Visual InterDev 6.0, MS Front Page, Paint Shop Pro, Internet Information Server.

Designed and developed corporate presence web site for Beyond Prospectives, Inc. (currently offline for restructuring after client s change in business plan).

Key Achievements:

  • Designed site layout, navigation and page layout and created site pages using MS Front Page.
  • Designed and created all site graphics, including design of company logo.
  • Wrote all site copy to customer specifications.
  • Prepared all site photographs using scanned photographs from film including cropping, picture frames and thumbnails.

Technical Environment: Visual InterDev 6.0, MS Front Page, Paint Shop Pro, Internet Information Server.

Independent Contractor
1999 - Present

Recruited as a senior developer on a large-scale project for Terrific West Life to replace a 16-bit medical claims processing system with a 32-bit, state-of-the-art system.

Key Achievements:

  • Created eight separate Visual Basic applications designed to run unassisted and perform critical data analysis, data loading and related database cleanup functions in a high-volume transaction environment.
  • Created all technical and end-user documentation for the above applications.
  • Created and adapted necessary COM objects to facilitate database access for these eight applications.
  • Performed technical application classroom training for the Production Support staff.
  • Designed and developed a web-based reporting system using Seagate Info for report scheduling, a Visual Basic interface for report staging and Active Server Pages for report delivery.
  • Installed and administered Windows NT 4.0, IIS 4.0, Seagate Info 7.0 on a Dell server for report delivery.
  • Mentored junior developers and assisted project manager with some project planning tasks.

Technical Environment: Oracle 8i, Visual Basic 4.0 & 6.0, COM, Visual InterDev 6.0, Windows 9x, Windows NT 4.0, Internet Information Server, Seagate Crystal Reports, Seagate Info and Filenet.

Recruited as a web designer/developer for Creative Networks on the creation of a B2B web portal.

Key Achievements:

  • Provided key technical expertise on developing web portal site using MS Site Server.
  • Assisted in installation and deployment of Microsoft Commercial Internet System (MCIS) and Site Server Commerce Edition.
  • Developed a proprietary NNTP interface for the site to allow newsgroup access from within the web browser.
  • Customized and implemented MCIS template forms for usage in portal membership creation and administration and management of portal user content publishing.
  • Assisted junior Database Administrator with SQL Server database design and stored procedure development.

Technical Environment: MCIS 2.5, MS Site Server Commerce Edition, Visual InterDev 6.0, Windows NT 4.0, Internet Information Server, MS-SQL Server 7.0, MS Front Page 2000.

Recruited as a Project Manager for AT&T Broadband for a Year 2000 compliance project involving testing and Y2K certification of all in-house applications developed with Visual Basic, MS Access and MS Excel.

Key Achievements:

  • Designed the specifications and procedures for all testing to company requirements.
  • Designed and programmed a web-based tracking system for managing workflow and compliance reporting, including database and report design.
  • Selected all testing and remediation tools used for application certification.
  • Designed and coded a Visual Basic application to automate uploading of multiple applications onto the team s staging server for testing.
  • Hired and managed a team of five experienced developers to operate within an environment requiring legal compliance to the Year 2000 Information and Readiness Disclosure Act.
  • Brought in the project two months ahead of schedule and with an end result that 0% of the applications tested and certified were found to be non-compliant after January 1, 2000.

Technical Environment: Visual Basic 4.0 - 5.0 - 6.0, Visual InterDev 6.0, Windows NT 4.0, Internet Information Server, MS Site Server, MS-SQL Server 6.5, MS Access 95 & 97, MS Excel 95 & 97, Inspector 2000, Date Detective, ACC-Fix 2000, DateSpy 2000.

Recruited as a Project Manager for Logiset, Inc. to assume responsibility for a large-scale project developing a specialized ERP solution for the Cable TV/Telecommunications industry. Even though some of the applications were already in production, client satisfaction was seriously lacking and the project was badly off-track and in danger of failing.

Key Achievements:

  • Assessed the expertise of the seven member development staff and reassigned developer responsibilities. This reallocation of developer resources resulted in limiting cross-application overlap and confusion, maximizing individual expertise and streamlining the overall development process.
  • Restructured how user requirements were gathered and translated into application requirements to formalize the process and better manage the client s expectations.
  • Assumed responsibility for all DBA functions to limit and manage database change impact and instituted a structured process for database change requests and fulfillment.
  • Assumed responsibility for coding all stored procedures and triggers, including changes to existing database objects.
  • Restructured the database to improve response time and query efficiency.
  • Revamped the bug reporting system to better classify bug severity and its attendant affect on service releases.
  • Instituted a program to schedule bug releases to better manage the clients expectations on bug fixes and to provide a manageable process for the developers to work within. This eliminated unreasonable expectations on the part of the clients and provided a predicable schedule and attainable goals for the developers, greatly improving the efficacy of the process on both sides.

Technical Environment: Visual Basic 5.0, Visual InterDev 6.0, SourceSafe, Windows NT, MS-SQL Server 6.5, and Crystal Reports 6.0.

Accomplishments, Inc.
1997 - 1999

Co-founded a consulting start-up company with three colleagues to provide turnkey project consulting services to small business. Held the titles of Vice President/Chief Technical Officer & Director of Projects as well as operated in the capacity of staff manager and system administrator. By the company s second year of operation, head count included 13 full-time employees.

Key Achievements:

  • Managed multiple revenue-generating projects while maintaining daily corporate responsibilities that included NT System Administration, Novell System Administration, SQL Server and Sybase DBA administration, including stored procedures and triggers.
  • Managed a project to its successful completion for Potlatch Corporation s Consumer Paper division including all interface design, database design and administration, work assignments, project monitoring, liaising with the client and delivery and installation of the system. Also included user support of the system when initially installed.
  • Managed a project to develop an e-commerce web site for a nutritional supplement manufacturer to its successful completion. Included all graphic/page design and underlying database design as well as all server and database administration.
  • Managed a project to develop an adjunct product for Crystal Reports using Visual Basic to exploit the MS Windows API and Crystal Reports API. While the project was successfully completed, the product was never releases due to legal complications.
  • Designed and developed Accomplishments corporate web site and operated as corporate Webmaster.

Technical Environment: Visual Basic 4.0/5.0, Visual SourceSafe, Visual InterDev 1.0, MS Site Server, Windows NT 4.0, Novell Netware 4.11, Sybase System 11, Crystal Reports 6.0, Borland Paradox, FrontPage 98, Access 97, MS-SQL Server 6.5, Corel Draw 7.0, PaintShop Pro 5.0.

Avalon, Inc.
1989 -1997

Worked as a staff consultant providing contract programming services to Avalon clients. Originally hired for FOCUS and mainframe development but segued into client/server development in the early 1990 s.

Key Achievements:

  • Lead developer on project for U S WEST to develop custom software solution for forecasting new telephone construction requirements and all related reporting.
    Technical Environment: Oracle, Visual Basic 4.0, Access 95, Cognos Impromptu 2.0.
  • As Lead Developer consulting to MCI, redesigned and re-coded an advanced GUI application using Visual Basic to create mailing and calling lists for member retention marketing efforts. Also redesigned the underlying data structure to enhance system response time and reporting flexibility.
    Technical Environment: Sybase System 10, Visual Basic 3.0/4.0, Crystal Reports 5.0 and Brio.
  • Project manager originally recruited by US West to provide short-term business analysis duties that led to an opportunity to present a proposal to develop a replacement for their antiquated R-base manual check processing system. This led to the project manager position. Additionally responsible for creating much of the database design, stored procedures and triggers for the system.
    Technical Environment: MS SQL Server 4.2, Objectview, Andyne GQL.
  • Developed a decision support system for the above check processing system including all requirements analysis, user interface design, creation of database entity relationship model and the design & programming of the system shell and reports using GQL Reports.
    Technical Environment: MS SQL Server 4.2/5.0, Objectview, and Andyne GQL.
  • Recruited as a FOCUS subject matter expert and lead developer of a large-scale project for US West involving the conversion of a mainframe FOCUS/DB2 system to an HP9000/ORACLE system.
    Technical Environment: OS/MVS, JCL, HP 9000, Unix, DB2, and FOCUS.
  • For Ajilon s Open Systems Lab, designed and developed a complex Visual Basic front-end for a system that demonstrated the cross-platform integration capabilities of the Lab via a common user interface. Successfully implemented the system under critical deadline pressure, proving the RAD capability of Visual Basic.
    Technical Environment: MS SQL Server 4.2, Sybase SQL Server, Visual Basic 3.0, and Access 2.0.
  • Designed and developed a comprehensive in-house Marketing and Recruiting system.
    Technical Environment: MS SQL Server 4.2, Sybase SQL Server, Visual Basic 3.0, and Access 2.0.
  • Employed as a technical lead and programmer re-designing and rewriting reports used within US West s payroll department. Also designed, developed and implemented a multi-user check tracking application using PC FOCUS.
    Technical Environment: OS/MVS, VM/CMS, FOCUS, and Oracle.
  • As a contractor to MCI, developed a large-scale mainframe application to provide tracking and cancellation of MCI customers not actively using their accounts. Later developed a series of complex reports for assisting in customer retention marketing efforts.
    Technical Environment: OS/MVS, COBOL, Easytrieve, and JCL.

InfoBuilders, Inc.
1987 - 1989

Performed analysis and development work for various clients using FOCUS on various platforms.

Key Achievements:

  • Created a tax apportionment system for Enron Holding to proportionally calculate taxes across a 48 state operating region.
    Technical Environment: OS/MVS, FOCUS.
  • As contractor to Marvin Windows, created applications to interface with their Man-Man manufacturing system to provide bills-of-material, inventory control and invoicing interfaces for their back office staff. Technical Envrionment: VAX/VMS, FOCUS, Man-Man.
  • Employed as a contractor to US West to create various parts of a fleet management system used to track the entire US West automotive fleet.
    Technical Environment: VAX/VMS, FOCUS.

Trudo Club International
1981 - 1987

Originally employed as a research analyst in the Customer Service Department. Promoted to supervisor in Customer Service and was responsible for as many as 21 direct reports. Promoted to Manager in Customer Service of a special department that provided fulfillment services for card member retention marketing programs where exposure to software development began. Eventually transferred into the Systems & Development department and performed programming and development work using BASIC, QuickBASIC, FOCUS and COBOL on various in-house development projects.

Resume 6

Samples represent that of an actual working technical professional found on the WEB and modified to protect the privacy of these professionals. Human names, company names, colleges, software product names are intentionally made up.


Alexander Haig

San Diego, CA


I am seeking a challenging position in software development, which makes the best use of my skills in design, programming, and object-oriented technology.


B.S. in Mathematics, University of Chicago
Windows Programming Class, UCSD Extension, San Diego
Two Visual C++ classes, UCSD Extension, San Diego
Two Active Server Pages ASP classes, UCSD Extension, San Diego
Three Microsoft .NET classes, UCSD Extension, San Diego


1994 - 2001
Factory Equipment, Inc., Sacramento, CA

Software Engineer

  • GUI design and implementation of a Windows NT System Configuration Wizard, which is run on a new machine to automate the configuration of domain and user accounts, privileges, Control Panel settings, Windows NT services, and other system settings. It was estimated that this wizard reduced by 70 percent the manual time required to perform these tasks. This effort used many Windows NT internal functions as well as a custom DLL that I also implemented.
  • Design and implementation of numerous modules supporting an integrated Windows NT-based Emergency 911 call answering and control system. Visual Basic 6.0 was the primary development tool, along with Visual C++ 6.0. The key areas of my responsibility included GUI design and implementation for the following:
  • A server-based set of ActiveX DLLs and ActiveX EXEs that receive 911 call fax data from client machines and feed it to third-party fax software.
  • Three modules, each with a unique GUI design for different phone hardware, to give the call taker rapid access to and control of 911 calls, including an optional aid for color-blind personnel.
  • Several call center database maintenance modules using Visual Basic, SQL, DAO, and ADO, interfacing with Microsoft Access 2000.
  • A module to provide caller address data via serial port to remote Computer Aided Dispatch systems.
  • A module providing flexible volume controls for the 911 call taker.
  • A GUI and implementation for an ASCII serial communication device, used between a call taker and the hearing impaired.
  • A module enabling supervisors to view real-time status of all call takers in the call center, from the network server.
  • A program that monitors all modules in the system for failure, with instant operator notification. This involved the use of many Windows NT internal functions.
  • Implementation of many of the custom ActiveX OCXs used by the 911 systems. This was done using Visual C++ and Visual Basic.
  • Developed a custom installation package for the above 911 system, using the InstallShield script language and development environment.
  • Developed several in-house utilities, which include:
  • GUI design and implementation of a line tester designed to work with automated Microsoft Test scripts.
  • GUI design and implementation of a CAD Simulator, which receives dispatch data via serial communication.

Prior to 1994
FDP Management, Inc., La Mesa, CA

Senior Software Engineer

Over 10 years experience managing and developing a wide variety of mainframe software for the banking industry, the U.S. Navy, as well as commercial and manufacturing companies. Languages used were COBOL, C UNIX platform , and several assembly languages. The projects include the following:

  • Project manager and lead developer for all major banking applications. Key among these were:
  • Customization of the Unisys document capture and proof package, which provided daily input into all back-end applications
  • Development and conversion of Demand Deposit Accounting systems
  • Development and conversion of Savings and CD systems
  • Development and conversion of Installment and Commercial Loan systems
  • Project manager and lead developer for an ATM cash dispensing system to be deployed on board U.S. Navy ships. This involved the following:
    • Cash dispensing software on-line to two ATM machines and one POS terminal in the ship s store
    • A system for automatically transferring payroll data to the ATM system
    • On-board software supervision and support during part of a WESTPAC deployment from San Diego to the Philippines
  • Project manager and lead developer for an on-line hospital pharmacy and patient tracking system for Unisys customers
  • Project manager and lead developer for a file conversion utility for converting IBM, Unisys, and Honeywell data formats to the NCR Criterion format
  • Project manager and lead developer for a credit union servicing package
  • Lead developer on an integrated system for property assessment and tax collection, Arapahoe County, Colorado
  • Lead developer for the customization of a UNIX-based Remittance Processing system for the California DMV, Valley Bank of Nevada, and Kern County, CA

Resume 7

Samples represent that of an actual working technical professional found on the WEB and modified to protect the privacy of these professionals. Human names, company names, colleges, software product names are intentionally made up.


Tim Kettler

Highland, CA


Four years experience creating database-driven Web and e-business applications using ASP, VBScript, Javascript, DHTML, COM, ADO, SQL Server, and Visual Basic. Nine years experience creating desktop applications with Visual Basic, Access, DAO, ActiveX, and Installshield.


Scene17, Inc., Santa Clara, CA

Senior Web Developer

Senior member of Scene17 s Web development team that produced the Image Production System IPS product, a browser-based image processing system that allows the upload and modification of images. Involved in the full software life cycle featuring requirements, design, development, QA, and deployment. Produced general requirements and design specifications for IPS. Developed website user management, secure login capability, image browsing, and search capability using VB COM, ASP, Javascript, ADO, DHTML. Design, create, and maintain stored procedures and tables in Microsoft SQL Server 2000. Developed a number of tools for the company intranet and extranet to automate workflow which resulted in higher productivity across many departments. Developed several Web-based data entry / editing utilities that were constantly used in a production environment. Produced general requirements and design specifications for various company projects, including heading design review meetings.

Developed key product areas of the s e-commerce Web site using ASP, VBScript, and Javascript. ADO was used to retrieve and display data from a Microsoft SQL 7.0 backend. Developed and maintained the User Survey. Design, create, and maintain stored procedures and tables in Microsoft SQL Server 7.0. Developed and maintained data entry and verification tools using DHTML, ASP, VBScript, Javascript, and SQL Server. Participated in the revamping of the site front-end and increased performance by 50 .

Creative Imaging Technologies, Mountain View, CA
12/1995 - 7/1999

Web Developer and Software Engineer

Designed and implemented the wallpaper and fabric search capabilities on and using ASP, VBScript, Javascript, and ADO to connect to Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 databases. Co-created a state-of-the-art program for interior designers called Design Catalog and its predecessor called Designer s Vision. Design Catalog searches through CD libraries to match user-defined criteria for wallpaper, fabric, carpet, window covering, surfaces, tile, and more. Developed using Visual Basic 6.0 and Access 97. Created the custom installation script used to install Design Catalog onto users computers using Installshield 5.5. Created custom utilities in Visual Basic 6.0 to test and maintain data and image validity. Entered, tested, and verified all data and images for Autodesk s Picture This Home: Kitchen 2.0 and Broderbund Software s Total 3D Home Deluxe design software suites using a custom program written in Visual Basic 6.0 and Access 97. Designed and developed a retail kiosk for a company with Visual Basic 4.0 and Access 7.0. Team leader in providing software support for Designer s Vision and Design catalog. Software support includes questions about software and hardware installation, configuration, and operation. Designed and developed a technical support call-tracking program in Access 7.0.

PayPlus Software, Inc., San Bernadino, CA
9/1993 - 11/1995

Software Developer

Developed an extensive user interface to SQL server databases using Borland s Delphi. Managed the entire visual development phase in the conversion of a legacy character based software system to run in the Windows environment. Designed, developed, and maintained an employee management and remote data entry project in Microsoft s Visual Basic 3.0. Designed and developed a Windows-based communications package in Visual Basic 3.0 that is integrated with the employee management/remote data entry program. Designed, developed, and maintained databases, using Microsoft s Access 1.1, that store employee payroll, personal, and employment information. Setup and ran the company support bulletin board system BBS . Diagnosed and repaired personal computer related hardware problems including monitors, printers, motherboard, and disk drives. Install new computer systems and upgraded existing computer systems.

School of Health Professions, St. John s University, Palo Alto, CA
11/1988 - 1/1993

Programmer Analyst

Responsible for answering all user hardware and software questions directed to the help desk, supporting approximately 150 users. Performed trouble shooting on equipment and software. Code, install, and maintain custom software to meet individual department and individual needs including an inventory management system for microscope parts and a mailing list program.


California State University, San Bernardino
Degree: Bachelor of Science
Graduated: June 1988


Available upon request

Resume 8

Samples represent that of an actual working technical professional found on the WEB and modified to protect the privacy of these professionals. Human names, company names, colleges, software product names are intentionally made up.


Thi Don Po

Irvine, CA


Obtain a Software Engineer /Programmer Analyst position in your company.


Strong experience with various version of VB and MS SQL, client/server app, ActiveX, COM+, Object Oriented, Data Warehouse, OLAP, various version of Seagate Crystal reports, ASP/vb-script, Win32API functions, ADO/RDO, VBA, ColdFusion, ASP, and heavily use of SQL 2000 a lot of stored procedures . Full knowledge of software development life cycle from requirement phase to release phase. Full knowledge of deploy an application. Excellent in communication and problem solving.

  • LANGUAGE: ColdFusion 5.0, VB 6.0, VB 5.0, VB 4.0, VB 3.0, T-SQL, ASP/vb-script, OLE/Com+, DHTML, HTML, java-script Fortran, C, Basic, DCL.

  • DATABASE: MS SQL server: 2000, 7.0 and 6.5, DB2, MS Access 97, ODBC, ADO,RDO

  • SYSTEM: Windows 2000, NT, 98, 95, Palm O.S., DEC/VAX, Alpha/VAX VMS, Unix, CMS.

  • SOFTWARE: Visual Interdev, MSOffice 2000, MS Digital Dashboard, Farpoint, VideoSoft,ActiveBar, Seagate Crystal Report 8.5, 7.0, 8.0, Wise, Lotus Notes 4.0, Best Enterprise Suite, MAS90, Platinum ERA, AppForge.


04/02 Present
United Electronics Corp., Anabel, CA

Staff Engineer

Strong experience with great knowledge of Data Warehouse, using MS OLAP 7.0, SQL 7.0 using ADO, VB 6.0, VBA, MS office 2000 web component and Seagate Crystal report 8.5 to developed the following application:

  • Developed/Maintained of an existing Configuration Equipment VB application and produce data reports by improved the application performance up 55 , put the application to coding standard, remove hard coded, using ADO data control, and eliminate all crossing loop code using VB 6.0, MS SQL 7.0 and Crystal Report 8.5
  • Developed a tracking submarine item parts application and produce web report using Coldfusion 5.0, SQL, ASP, HTML, Crystal Report 8.5, MS SQL 7.0 and CSS.
  • Develop a application to display sensor data of the submarine using OLAP, VB 6.0, ASP, java-script Crystal Report 8.5, MS SQL 2000 on Windows 2000.
  • Develop wireless application for the hand held Palm, using Palm OS, AppForge, SQL Anywhere, MS SQL 2000.

11/99 10/01
Sofisticated Software of California, Inc., Irvine, CA

Senior Software Engineer

Developed various Back Office modules for the Best Enterprise suite, using Microsoft IIS of Window 2000 server using ADO, OLAP 2000, ASP within Visual Interdev environment, using Crystal report 8.0, COM+, VB, vb-script, java-script HTML,DHTML, and heavily use of SQL 2000 a lot of stored procedures . Duties include:

  • Developed the eCustomer module to handle the e business-to-business storefront for customer to make an order, monitor their account balance, open orders, etc...
  • Developed the eSalesforce module to allows salespeople with track their customer business, verify credit history, checking order and shipment status,managing invoice, payments and set up their sales portfolio, manage their sales forecast, review sales and commission results.
  • Developed the eExcutive module to help executive to track their top product sale, top customers list, customer transaction, daily order, the ratio analysis on their profits, solvency, and operating expense.
  • Created and modified various screens for the Sales Order and Account Receivable module using VB 6.0 and heavily store procedures in SQL 2000 for MAS90/MAS200/Best Enterprise products.
  • Created Customer Returns, Sales Order, Customer Status reports using Crystal report 8.0 and VB 6.0 and SQL 2000.
  • Optimize various Sales Order VB projects to improve performance.

10/98 - 12/99
Moonlight Software Corporation, Irvine, CA

Senior Software Engineer

Strong experience with great knowledge of Data Warehouse, using MS OLAP 7.0, SQL 7.0 using ADO, VB 6.0, VBA, MS office 2000 web component and Seagate Crystal report 7.0 to developed the following application:

  • Developed OLAP back office ERA suite of applications brings financial management, distribution, manufacturing, planning, and scheduling to the internet in Windows NT environment. It allows user to do online analytical process with online transaction process OLTP views such as Customer, Invoices, Inventory, Sales Order, etc...
  • Developed a report scheduler multi-user application using Desktop Seagate to schedule pre-define reports.
  • Developed the CRM module.

11/97 - 10/98
Uranium Corporation , Irvine, CA

Senior Programmer Analyst Hands-on experience doing full life cycle of software application on the following projects:

  • Developed HR Back office application that generate the employee biography, handle all the HR hire, termination, and transfer process electronically for Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, KFC stores. Applying Intuitive design techniques to the GUI. Using 3-tier architecture UI, business objects, data objects . The work involved heavy database interaction via store procedures. The application using SQL 6.5 using RDO, VB 5.0, ODBC32 under Window NT system.
  • Developed a client/server multi-user application under Window 95 environment for the Taco Bell QA department to track consumer s complaint using VB 5.0, DB2, ODBC32 and OLE.
  • Created a system to generated formal consumer s complain report files for the Taco Bell legal department using VB 5.0, Access 97, ODBC32, and Crystal Report 5.0

06/89 - 11/97
Boeing Aircraft Corporation, White Beach, CA

Engineer Scientist Specialist

Involved on the MD11, MD10, MD95 and C17 aircraft programs with hands-on experience of doing full life cycle of software application. Duties include:

  • Developed Graphical User Interface GUI for the flight deck simulation display menu of the MD11 aircraft system using VB 4.0, window API function of 32-bit, C on Window NT and VAX environment. Generated software requirements, software detail designed, coded, and unit tested and hands-on integration at the flight deck simulation lab with user.
  • Created installation programs to allow users install it from the network. Also setup IP, integrated MS Access database with the GUI for pilot to test and train users to used it.
  • Developed/modified real-time MD10 sensor model in Fortran code VOR, ADF,DME, ILS, IRS, GPS and MD11 real-time wind model using VAX environment.
  • Developed validation plan, and test driver for the sensor model, including designed, coded, integrated and tested for the MD10 aircraft that used for flight unit verification and FAA certification test.
  • Designed electronic transfer tool GUI for users to transfer software and documents via the FTP and Internet protocol.
  • Using Fortran and DCL to developed various software to automate the software build process for both developing and configuration management environment.

01/89 - 06/89
Valley Federal Saving Bank, Irvine, CA

Cash Accountant

Reconcile the month end journal, posting, deposit all the branches checks. Generate monthly report. Maintain the G/L. Balance the cash sheet daily and other miscellaneous for handling cash.

06/84 - 03/88
Interstate Electronics Corporation, Anabel, CA

Software Engineer

Involved in supporting and maintaining the VPRS - Post Mission Processor to determined the position and velocity of the Navigation Test Vehicle NTV software. Detailed duties include:

  • Developed the VRS/ARA software in Fortran on the IBM main frame, CMS operating system, including designed, coded, integrated and tested, and document.
  • Participated with a software group to work on the requirements for the GPS.
  • Developed a software tool to strip unnecessary raw frequencies data from the tape, then reformatted it to the program standard format, and dupmed it into disk files.
  • Developed and verified the mathematical equations for the simulation frequencies from the sea to used for programming.
  • Developed a firmware tape driver program and user s menu in C language in the Unix environment, which will translated data from the VAX system to the 9-track tape.


B.S., University of California, Irvine, CA UCI in Mathematics.
M.S. Certificate in Mastering in Visual basic 6.0.
M.S. Certificate in Mastering in Visual basic 5.0.
M.S. Certificate in Mastering in MS Office 2000 Suite.
M.S. Certificate in M.S Visual Interdev.


U.S. Citizenship. Held Secret clearance 1985 - 1989 . Very strong problem solver skill.

Resume 9

Samples represent that of an actual working technical professional found on the WEB and modified to protect the privacy of these professionals. Human names, company names, colleges, software product names are intentionally made up.


Norman Adams

West Covina, CA


Visual Basic 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, Visual Studio.NET since Beta 1 , COM, DCOM. COM+, ASP, SQL Server, VBScript, C#, Visual C++, ATL, MFC, Windows 95, 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Java Servlets, Java, DB2


August 2001 to May 2002
Solaris Advanced Insurance Solutions, Kansas City, Missouri


One of senior programmers and business analysts installing and configuring "Claims Workstation" a claims management system from Solaris Advanced Insurance Solutions Solaris AIS . The client was a Pennsylvania based property & casualty insurer. Responsibilities included architecting and implementing a Visual Basic in-process ActiveX server "HostServer.dll" to retrieve data from a policy system SQL-Server data mart . Sixteen data interfaces were implemeted for providing coverage as well as statistical data as of the claim loss date. The "Claims Workstation" application utilized those interfaces to request data for handling the entire claims management life cycle from notice of loss through settlement by assigning and distributing claims to adjusters and allowing adjusters to organize their caseloads and activities.

  • Played a role in designing the structure of the SQL Server database required by the client.
  • Development tools included VB 6.0, SQL Server, COM, COM+, ADO
  • Most of the work for this project was done from my home. I did travel to the client site approximately one week per month.

May 2000 to May 2001
United States Postal Service, Concord, Missouri


Designed and implemented Java Servlets for generating and formatting reports concerning the National Transportation Management System for monitoring and expediting the delivering of mail.. Report data was selected from mainframe data warehouses and stored in local DB2 data marts where it could be accessed by client applications. JDBC drivers were used as the transport mechanism.

May 1998 to May 2000
Bunker Hill Neighborhood Services, Concord, Missouri


  • Served as Lead Programmer / Analyst for full life cycle project based on existing mainframe functionality.
  • Developed a COM based system for tracking patient care for one of the nations largest non-profit health care providers. The system was responsible for tracking every aspect of a patients encounters at numerous provider sights. From the time a patient was registered for medical or dental treatment and throughout that treatment; including the verification of all medical procedures performed, the submission of insurance claims and the maintenance of all of the data required by the accounting department for keeping a ledger balance.
  • Extensive use was made of the COM architecture, particularly in process and out of process servers with a strict emphasis placed on the scalability and reusability of all code modules. Extensive use of data type validation was used throughout to insure that all of the data entered into the system was accurate. Full featured error handling was implemented in the run-time as well as the development environments.
  • Responsibilities also included advising project team leaders, writing code specifications, improving existing application frameworks, mentoring less experienced team members.
  • Development tools included VB 6.0, SQL Server, Crystal Reports, COM, COM+, ADO

November 1997 To May 1998
Alpha Dental of Missouri, Concord, Missouri


  • Wrote recommendations for the development of a class library and application framework in Visual Basic 5.0 to implement a means for editing business rules associated with a claims processing and management system.
  • Re-designed and coded a dental insurance claims processing application that automated most of the tasks required for the adjudication of claims. The application was created using Visual Basic 5.0 and the Attachmate s Corp. terminal emulation package.
  • The core application included a batch process for inputting new claims documents into the DDPMO system and managed concurrent, fully automated, claims processing sessions that could adjudicate up to several hundred claims per hour.
  • Participated in the evaluation of third party vendor s products for processing medical claims that could be customized for use at Alpha.

January 1994 to October 1997
Concord / Chicago


PROGRAMMER / ANALYST @ Emerson Electric

  • Redeveloped three human resources database applications. Two were originally created in DB IV for the MS-DOS platform. The third was an extension of a FoxPro 3.0 Equal Employment Opportunity application used by the U.S. Government to maintain and assure that companies are meeting their EEO requirements by listing the number of employees working in different job categories by race and gender.

  • MBA application - The core functionality tracked a potential new employee s progress through Emerson s human resources department interview and evaluation process. All candidates were categorized as to their skills, assessments made during successive interviews, their availability, and the actions taken by Emerson during the recruiting process. Reports were generated based on these categories.

  • Tasks included importing the old data files into a new MS Access95 database, defining table relationships and queries necessary for the applications user interface to be effective. Enhancements included a synchronized list of available job candidates whose record with Emerson s human resources department could be selected for editing or review. Attributes used to distinguish between the categories were outdated and needed to be changed without destroying the integrity of the data. Since each record had to be evaluated and updated to the new attribute by someone in the human resources department changes had to be made to each record on-line. Reports could be selected by the old attribute as long as they existed and the new attribute until all of the records were updated, as well as by a combination of new and old attributes.

  • Nameplate Application - The core functionality maintained a database of Emerson s executive employees around the world, their length of tenure, number of job assignments foreign and domestic and the classification of their job within the corporation. The application could also generate a printed graphic of how their desktop nameplate would appear.

  • EEO-1 - Analyzed, designed and coded an enhanced version of the EEO-1 application using MS Access 95 to duplicate and enhance the U.S. Governments version which is sent to Emerson yearly on floppy disk, completed by Emerson s human resources department and returned to the government in a timely manner. The EEO-1 application was designed to import the data table sent to the government, review the data and group the data in a way more consistent with the corporate structure and geographic location of Emerson s individual companies. The application also maintained data longer than one year for more thorough analysis.

  • Tasks included developing a user interface for selecting data tables to be imported and transforming the raw data into records that would meet Emerson s extended requirements. Those requirements included totals by Business Leader, Company, State or Corporation where the govt. only considered individual companies . This mandated creating a Corporate / Business Leader / Company hierarchical structure which could be edited, recreated, and maintained in separate tables for different years or adhoc analysis.


  • Designed, coded and implemented Multidimensional Data Analysis [MDA] tools using Visual Basic and MS Office to provide all of the data access objects necessary to view, store, and analyze the information needed for maintaining a yearly budget by the accounting department. The tools also provide core functionality to in-house business processes.
  • Designed and implemented a relational database management system to handle all data management capabilities associated with historic and current budgetary projection input by management.
  • Maintained and provided integrated database functionality and general user-requested enhancements to Electronic-Forms used by vital departments for day to day operations of the company including tracking inter-departmental messages and maintaining the integrity of those communications by saving records of all related activity.

PRGRAMMER / ANALYST @ Shell Woodriver Refinery

Create and implement a Visual Basic 3.0 application to import text files into an ACCESS 2.0 database used for populating spreadsheets; then automate the repetitive tasks associated with the rapid calculation of financial projections and performance analysis. The general tasks included implementing data exchange, through OLE Automation., for the creation of complex spreadsheets to support monthly MS PowerPoint presentations.

PROGRAMMER / ANALYST @ Application Design Group

  • Setup and administer Workgroup Post Offices and implement custom designed Electronic Forms to integrate in- house processes for a Concord based publishing firm. The E-Forms were designed and coded using Visual Basic 3.0 and the Microsoft Office Developers Kit. The departments that were targeted included , the customer service dept. for transaction processing of electronic catalog orders, the composition departments responsible for creating new items for the catalog, and the mail plant responsible for shipping and handling.

  • Provide a means of managing information related to technical service request calls by integrating an MS Mail enabled application written in Visual Basic 3.0 to route help desk requests with an MS Access database. Each request included the data found in the AUTOEXEC.BAT, WIN.INI , and SYSTEM.INI of the workstation requesting help. The database was also designed with MS Mail processing capabilities to log each help desk request, assign the task to an available representative, and track the resources used to maintain the request.

  • Mentored and recommended Visual Basic coding techniques that was to be used to re-design, debug and improve a client/server Electronic Catalog for the Customer Service department. These recommendations were aimed at de-normalizing the data contained in the Access 2.0 database , delivering timely record processing and visual display of large records, and greatly reducing the amount of system resources needed by each workstation to effectively use the application.

PROGRAMMER / ANALYST @ Software Studios

Worked as part of a team implementing and debugging modules of an Image Processing Application written in VB 3.0 and used for viewing and annotating large batches of scanned documents. All of the documents were sorted and stored on file servers according to classifications that were bar-coded into the document. When a document or batch of documents is requested by a workstation the batches are cached first on the application server and then sent to the workstation. Thereby improving workstation performance by reducing the number of calls from the workstation to the server necessary to maintain the workstations view of the data.

PROGRAMMER / ANALYST @ Open Systems Group

  • Part of a team designing and testing a prototype utility used for managing large integrated relational database systems. The application was coded using VB 3.0 and relied on ODBC connectivity to encompass data access from a wide range of database objects. The functionality of the program provided for establishing data access for users over WAN, LAN, and Enterprise Mail Systems to exclusive data from individuals and dynamic groups for business and related projects.

  • Part of a team designing and testing a prototype Web-Site for a large St.Louis based electrical contractor. Combining HTML with Microsoft Word 6.0 custom document templates produced a method for re-creating the standard business documents already on file servers into WEB compliant documents that could be viewed with standard browsers.

  • Designed and documented a server based installation for 500 Windows 95 workstations being implemented at 35 distribution sites. The Windows 95 setup was run from a custom script based on the MSBATCH.INF format. The setup was initialized from a Network Bootable Floppy Disk on computers with formatted hard drives and no operating system installed. MS-DOS 6.22, Windows 95 and Microsoft Office 95 software were all installed and configured from the Windows NT server. WINS and DHCP were the mechanisms used to establish the IP addresses needed for TCP/IP network protocol.

PROGRAMMER / ANALYST @ J.C. Penney Catalog Center

Created a customer service GUI using Visual Basic 3.0 and Microsoft Access. The interface was modeled from an IBM Mainframe terminal emulation application that was already in place and was used to define the specifications for a PC based customer service department. The application centered on the need for transaction processing and data replication that would meet the heavy demands of J.C. Penney. The migration to PC s was dedicated to providing greater capability to each customer service representative who would then have immediate access to more data than the mainframe alone could profitably provide.


Wrote interactive software programs for small business contractors and owner operators in the trucking industry. Using VB 3.0, Access and the Microsoft Office Developers Kit I customized Microsoft Workgroup Templates and Designer E-Forms to compliment software programs that were already in place at small businesses in the Chicago area. Most of the interactive software centered on timeslips for employees, work schedules and advance planning for job estimates and personal organizers for administrative tasks. OLE automation and DDE were used when applicable.

Test Administered by TeckChek: Visual Basic 6 Programming - Date Taken: June 13, 2001

Overall Percentile 99

  • Overall Score in this technology is higher than 99 of the other professionals worldwide who have taken this assessment in the Complete library.
  • Overall Percentiles for the same score will vary on different tests and are a function of the overall proficiency of all test takers for that test subject. Thus, the percentile can provide a window of insight , showing not only where the results fits in with all other test takers but also the distribution of universal proficiency in the tested technology.

Book Knowledge - Score: 29, Percentile: 100
Practical Experience - Score: 26, Percentile: 99

Proficiency in this technology is considerably above average. The assessment results suggest that a proficiency that is well balanced between practical experience and academic study.

Conceptual Understanding - Score: 25, Percentile: 99

Shows an exceptional understanding of the concepts underlying this technology and should be capable of successfully handling most complex situations.

Topics showing Strength

Demonstrated particular strength in the following topics within the technology, and would be a strong candidate for projects requiring expertise in these areas:

  • Form and Control Properties
  • The Visual Basic Environment
  • Common Controls
  • Databound Controls
  • Building a Help System

Topics showing Weakness

Has not demonstrated particularly low levels of proficiency in any of the tested topics within the technology.

Other Topics Evaluated

Demonstrated neither exceptionally high or exceptionally low levels of proficiency in the following topics:

  • Using Forms
  • Event Processing
  • Managing Projects
  • User Dialog Boxes
  • Displaying Graphics and Text
  • Visual Basic Classes
  • Debugging and Error Handling
  • ActiveX and Internet Programming
  • Windows API
  • Processing Files
  • Database Access
  • Visual Basic Tools
  • Built-in Functions

Resume 10

Samples represent that of an actual working technical professional found on the WEB and modified to protect the privacy of these professionals. Human names, company names, colleges, software product names are intentionally made up.


Rao Pughi


  • About 7 years experience in software development, with experience ranging from a Senior Programmer to a Project coordinator and Technical Team lead / Architect.
  • Experience in all phases of the Software Development Lifecycle using requirements study, analysis, designing and architecting deliverable solutions.
  • Extensive experience with ASP, Visual Basic, COM/DCOM, COM+ technologies, MTS, IIS, XML-XSL, MSMQ, Cedar XML Portal Server etc
  • Hands-on experience with .Net, Biztalk Server.


  • Internet ASP, VBScript, XML, JavaScript, IIS, HTML, XSLT, CSS
  • GUI Visual Basic 6.0, Visual Interdev, Front Page
  • Technologies COM, COM+, DCOM, MMC, MTS, MSMQ, Windows DNA
  • Portals Cedar XPS XML Portal , Digital Dashboard
  • Databases MS SQL 7.0/6.5, MS Access
  • Operating Systems Windows 2000, Windows NT, Windows 9X, Win 3.X, DOS
  • Functional Knowledge Web Portals Web development including CRM, Banking Check & document processing , Law Firms and Financial applications.
  • Applications used MS Project, MS Visual Modeler, MS SourceSafe, Crystal Report, Visio 2000, Star Team
  • Familiar with VC++, .Net, SOAP, Biztalk, Delphi, Java, Oracle, MS Exchange, SMTP, Active PDF


July 2000 July 2001
Ditrix Systems, Inc.

Multiple Web Portals

XPS is a portal development product developed by Ditrix Cedar Software Corporation . It can be used to create corporate portals for Internal as well as external users. The portal can be used to aggregate information from disparate sources and present it in an easy to understand format. XPS uses XML through out for all its messaging and data storage.


In charge of the XPS group as Chief Technical Architect. This group provides XPS solutions to Cedar Clients. Primary responsibilities included gathering requirements, defining scope of work, working on project schedules, designing the XPS architecture, delegating and managing the project. Portals were designed and developed for clients such as for Mitchell, Jenkens & Gilchrist; GE Power Systems; Baker Robins etc.

Was also involved in the back end designing and developing the COM and Database stuff required for each Client.

As a Chief Technical Architect, managing the projects involved:

  • Using MS Project 2000, develop and manage project plan and schedule, which must synchronize project through design, development, testing and migration releases.
  • Ensure that systems maintain state-of-the-art analysis, design and programming techniques while meeting the current business needs of the user.
  • Direct a project team in interpreting user needs and objectives into complex project plans.
  • Lead assigned project tasks, performing all aspects of project management e.g., estimating, resource and task planning, prioritization, scheduling and status reporting .
  • Contribute breadth of business knowledge and technical expertise to proactively manage change and ambiguity.
  • As a part of this exercise, I keep myself abreast with new and emerging technologies/products such as Biztalk Server, .Net platform etc.
  • Monitors progress of plans and takes corrective action where necessary to accomplish plan objectives.
  • Using Microsoft Visio for drafting detailed architectural diagram that describe the existing undocumented n-tier architecture.
  • Using MS Visual Modeler, Visual Basic 6.0, MTS/COM+, MSMQ, COM/DCOM, XML, XSL, ASP, VBScript, Visual C++, IIS, Visual Interdev 6.0, MS SQL, design, implement and test Internet based middleware components.
  • Performed code review of: VB, ASP, JavaScript, COM/DCOM components.
  • Managed team development environment and version control by administration of MS Visual Source Safe.
  • Percentage of hands-on Development: 60 hands-on, 40 project management.

Environment: ASP, VB, XML, XSL, ATL COM, COM+, MSMQ, MS SQL Server 7.0, MTS and Windows NT 4.0 / 2000, MS Project

Jan 2000 July 2000
Cedar Software Corporation

XML Portal Server XPS

Product: XPS is flagship product of Cedar software used for creating interactive e-business portals.

Scope: Using XPS, Cedar s customers create interactive environments in which their employees, customers, suppliers and strategic partners can share and update information in real-time.

Role:Worked as team lead and was involved in the following

  • Writing ASP code
  • Designing, coding and prototyping of the web pages
  • Extensive use of the COM components proprietary Cedar com object
  • ADO connectivity to connect database on SQL Server in Windows NT
  • Wrote XML parsers for the application using MS DOM
  • Using MSMQ for asynchronous messaging.
  • Used Stylesheets for rendering the XML data.
  • Coordination.

Environment: ASP, VB, XML, XSL, ATL COM, MTS, MSMQ, COM+, MS SQL Server 7.0, and Windows NT 4.0 / 2000

Oct 1999 - Dec 1999
Crystal Systems Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts

Key-From-Image Data Entry

Product: The Key-From-Image Data Entry System is a form scanning software provided to the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts

Scope: In this application the forms are scanned and OCRed. The data is stored in the SQL database. It involves, reading the forms, accepting the data, correcting the data and applying the rules to this data, generating reports and finally uploading the data to the mainframe.

Role:Worked as team member and was involved in the following

  • Development of two stand-alone clients in Visual Basic. This involved writing ActiveX OCX and ActiveX DLLs.
  • Creating and maintaining SQL database.
  • Created Web Reports using ASP.
  • Using MSMQ to facilitate asynchronous message processing.
  • Maintaining the version control using source safe
  • Creating installation ready software.

Environment: Visual Basic 6.0, ASP, COM, MTS, IIS, MS SQL Server, MSMQ, and Windows NT 4.0,

May 1999 - Oct 1999
Franklin Templeton


Product: TDS Image is an application developed by J & B software Inc. Blue Bell, PA. The application is used to process the documents on the Unisys DP 250/500/1000 machines. The application is a product, which consists of two components

  1. Base code,
  2. Custom hooks.

The base code remains the same for all the customers. However as per the customer requirements coding is done in the custom hooks so as to fulfill the requirements of the client.

Scope: This application will be used for remittance processing and payment processing.

Role:Worked as project coordinator and was involved in the following

  • Development of tool in Delphi to work with the sort pattern.
  • Customization of Report and Extract File generation code in Delphi.

Environment: Delphi 3.0, Visual Basic 6.0, MS Access, Windows NT 4.0, MS SQL 6.5

Dec 1998 - May 1999
RennDot, American Express Bank etc.


Product: TDS Image is an application developed by J & B software Inc. Blue Bell, PA. The application is used to process the documents on the Unisys DP 250/500/1000 machines. The application is a product, which consists of two components

  1. Base code,
  2. Custom hooks.

The base code remains the same for all the customers. However as per the customer requirements coding is done in the custom hooks so as to fulfill the requirements of the client.

Scope: This application will be used for remittance processing and payment processing.

Role:Worked as project coordinator and was involved in the following

  • Development of sort pattern.
  • Report and Extract File generation
  • Documentation.
  • Custom coding
  • Installation of the application on client site.
  • Conducting user training and handling issues.

Environment: Delphi 3.0, 4.0, Pervasive 7.0, Windows NT 4.0.

Feb 1998 Dec 1998
ClearBranch Application

ClearBranch application is a product to work along with DP35 Check processing system. The product is used in the banks for inward and outward clearing of documents e.g. checks . The application communicates with the DP35 machine through an OCX. The system handles - reading data from documents and writing it to the database. It also does encoding and endorsing of the documents, sorting the documents, imaging etc. Reports are generated based on the available data.

Scope: This application will be used for processing documents in a typical branch of an Indian bank.

Role:Worked as team leader and was involved in the following

  • Feasibility analysis for the product.
  • Software and hardware requirement study.
  • Product Functional Specifications.
  • High Level Design.
    • Detailed Design.
    • Database design
    • Design of GUI
  • Preparation of Test Cases
  • Development of the following modules.
    • Inward Track module
    • Outward Track module
    • Parser Module
  • Coordination.

Data Migration tool to port the data from an Access Database to the MSSQL database for customers with heavy workload.

Environment: Visual Basic 5.0, MS Access 97, Oracle 7.3, and Windows NT 4.0, MS SQL

Feb 1997 - Jan 1998
Syndicate Bank, India

ClearService Application

ClearService application is designed to work along with DP35 Check processing system to be used in the service branches of Syndicate bank for clearing of inward and outward documents e.g. checks . The application communicates with the DP35 machine through an OCX. The system handles reading data from documents and writing it to the database, encoding and endorsing documents, sorting the documents, imaging etc. Reports are generated based on the available data.

Scope: This application will be used for processing the documents in Service branches of a bank.

Role:Worked as a team member. I was involved in design and coding for the following modules

  • Track Code
  • Imaging module
  • Migrating the data from Access database to MS SQL database for customers with high volume of data.

Environment: Visual Basic 3.0/4.0, MS Access 2.0, and Windows NT 3.51/4.0, MS SQL

Dec 1996 - Feb 1997
Reserve Bank of India

Project : Analysis of clearing house operation in Reserve Bank of India.

The objective of this project was to analyze various clearing house operations conducted at Reserve Bank of India and customer banks in order to train the fellow group members. The project involved interaction with many bank personnels. This helped in having an insight in various aspects of clearing house operations such as inter branch clearing, national clearing, the time frames for the operations, the problems faced etc.

Conducted training session for the team members.

July 1994 - Dec 1995
Patpedhi Product

Sygnet Systems is a medium sized software firm, which caters to the software requirements in the local markets. The company came out with a product called "Patpedhi" which literally means Co-operative Credit Society .

Scope: The product was basically aimed to cater to the accounting needs of the Co-operative Credit Societies. This included a comprehensive integration of various ledger accounts like shares, loans, deposits etc.


Worked on this project as a team member. I was involved in designing and coding. I worked on my own on the following modules - Shares, Deposits & Members. My contribution was instrumental in design of the GUI for the product. The GUI was designed keeping in view that the Indian market was then dominated by non GUI s like DOS. So the initial version was used to simulate the screens in such a way that the even the hard core DOS users were comfortable with it.

Environment: Visual Basic, Access, Windows, and DOS


MBA Finance , University of Bombay
BS Engineering , University of Bombay

Resume 11

Samples represent that of an actual working technical professional found on the WEB and modified to protect the privacy of these professionals. Human names, company names, colleges, software product names are intentionally made up.


John Crafter

Dallas, TX


Eleven years experience in information systems design, development and implementation utilizing client/server and Microsoft Windows DNA technologies, with seven of those years as an I.T. Consultant. This experience includes:

  • Distributed application full life-cycle analysis, design and implementation
  • Database design, development and database conversion
  • Integration of third-party applications with custom developed applications
  • E-Business solutions


  • Visual Basic
    Versions 4.0 - 6.0. Advanced programming creating ActiveX DLL s, executables, ActiveX documents, custom controls and standard applications

  • SQL Server
    Versions 6.0 - 2000. Versions 6.0 - 2000. Design, develop, tune and maintain SQL Tasks, Triggers, Stored Procedures, Views, Defaults, Rules and Functions SQL2000 , create and schedule Maintenance Plans, monitor performance

  • Windows DNA
    Experienced in ADO, COM/DCOM/COM+, MTS, MSMQ, IIS, ASP/VBScript, Site Server, stateless programming, MAPI/CDO and Visual Studio

  • Microsoft
    All versions of Windows and Windows NT/2000, all versions of Office. Experienced Access developer.

  • ERwin
    Version 3.5.2 of database modeling tool, including ERwin macros

  • Solomon IV
    Integration of Client/Server Accounting system with a custom applications

  • Onyx
    Integration of Customer Relationship Management system with custom applications

  • Miscellaneous
    HTML, XML, Seagate Crystal Reports, DataDynamics ActiveReports, APEX True DBGrid, SQL Compare


Sonata Development
1/2002 - Present


This position requires the ability to take written and oral information and formulate systems necessary to implement the business requirements. This process results in estimates, design documents and other system documentation used in developing estimates and project plans.

Contracts include: Bantor Health Care System

  • Converted a poorly designed and implemented SQL Server database design to a more stable and reliable schema without impacting existing production. This process required restructuring the existing schema, converting existing stored procedures and views, and migrating the data.
  • Created a Data Dictionary of the affected systems allowing development managers to describe and document the systems.
  • Introduced a naming convention for SQL objects and "best practices" for SQL code development for stored procedures, views and triggers. Tools used for this engagement include Windows 2000 Advanced Server, SQL Server 2000, ERwin and Visual SourceSafe. The Telemetry Company
  • Added functionality to handle long distance dialing-rules for their existing alarm system application. Tools used for this engagement include Visual Basic, and Microsoft Access 2000.

8/2001 - 1/2002

Senior Software Engineer

  • WEB-TPA is a third-party administrator ABC for health insurance claims processing and benefits administration.
  • Developed strategies to migrate their legacy 2-tier monolithic Visual Basic 6.0 application to a scalable n-tier distributed architecture.
  • Collaborated on the development of their engineering standards laying the foundation for the migration to the proposed system.
  • Designed the security architecture to facilitate compliance with upcoming HIPAA regulations dealing with application security, data security and privacy.
  • Modified the vendor processing sub-system to assure the correct vendor is selected for claims processing.
  • Developed an application to handle check returns to WEB-ABC because they were sent to the incorrect vendor.

Radiant Corporation
11/1995 - 7/2001


This position required the ability to take written and oral information from technical and non-technical managers and formulate the systems necessary to implement their business requirements into coherent information systems. This process results in estimates, design documents and other system documentation used in developing cost estimates and project plans. Trained client s staff through knowledge-transfer sessions using code reviews and best practices. Project assignments include:

A Startup Equipment Monitoring Company

  • Data Architect/DBA for a n-tier, distributed, fully redundant, web-enabled, reusable, extendable systems architecture capable of simultaneously supporting multiple lines-of-business. The system was a completely integrated solution from sale configuration to billing. This included integration with existing legacy systems/software and the development/integration of proprietary software.
  • Integrated the Solomon IV GL/AP/AR database modules, the Onyx CRM database with a custom order entry database into a unified system.
  • Developed "NT" Services to provide numerous reliable start-up/fail-over capabilities
  • Assisted with the development of four ASP/IIS web-based portals to control access and provide customers, sales force, employees and administrators with timely information relevant to their needs
  • System developed using Windows 2000 Advanced Server, WLBS, MSCS, SQL Server 2000, COM+, MTS, ADO, MSMQ, IIS, Exchange Server, ActiveReports, Visual Basic, Visual InterDev, and ASP/VBScript

A National Semiconductor Manufacturer

  • Lead developer of the software download system. This set of ActiveX DLL s would verify the users purchase of the software, create a new header and certification file and then wrap the software into a bundle and downloaded to either Windows or Macintosh computers for eventual upload into a programmable calculator.
  • Developed ASP pages to read customer receipts and build lists of downloadable software.
  • Created software build processing that would mask the server name and location.
  • System developed using Windows 2000 Advanced Server, SQL Server 2000, COM+, ADO, MTS, IIS, Visual Basic ActiveX DLLs, Visual InterDev, ASP/VBScript, WinZip and WinZip SE.

A National Telephone Company

  • Assisted Microsoft Consulting Service with design and development of a prototype application used to re-engineering the existing IMS mainframe billing application to scalable n-tier architecture. The data solution is a featured Microsoft SQL Server case study.
  • Developed a Microsoft Outlook-style interface with numerous Microsoft Visual Basic ActiveX Documents and ActiveX Controls to allow consistent Plug-and-Play development. This prototype was a featured presentation at Microsoft TechEd 2000 and is currently the largest installation of MS SQL Server 2000 having a 9 terabyte database spread over four data centers and accessed using partitioned views.
  • System developed using Windows 2000 DataCenter, MSCS, WLBS, SQL Server 7/2000, COM/DCOM/COMTI, MTS, ADO, ActiveReports, and Visual Basic ActiveX DLLs, ActiveX Executables, ActiveX Documents and ActiveX Controls. A Real Estate Investment Trust
  • Data Architect on the conversion from Microsoft Access databases to SQL Server 7.0. This consisted of converting the Access tables, defaults, validation rules into their SQL equivalents, converting QueryDefs to SQL Views and stored procedures.
  • Assisted with the conversion of Microsoft Access 97 forms into ASP/VBScript pages.
  • System developed using Windows NT, SQL Server 7.0, MTS, ADO and Microsoft Access 97.

A Gasoline Service Company

  • Lead developer on n -tiered, distributed, fully automated leak detection system. This system ensures that underground storage tanks are actively monitored for leaks as specified by federal law. One of two projects winning "Sales Solution of the Year" internally at Radiant. Submitted to Microsoft as a Case Study.
  • This project entailed the initial design and planning of the system. Primary responsibilities were for the development of the reporting system. Assisted with the development of numerous ASP/VBScript pages used for the configuration of the monitoring services and for requesting reports.
  • System developed using Windows NT Server, SQL Server 6.5, MTS, MSMQ, ADO, IIS, Exchange Server, Visual Basic, ActiveReports, and Visual InterDev.

A National Restaurant Chain

  • Lead developer on the conversion from a two-tier to n-tier Food Cost application. This application uses SQL Servers push replication to maintain consistent recipe information between the corporate recipes and the restaurants. Converted dynamic SQL statements into stored procedures. Converted data access from legacy DAO to newer RDO.
  • Developed a catering application that pulls cost/price information from the Food Cost application and provides scheduling of bulk meal preparation.
  • System developed using Windows NT Server, SQL Server 6.5 and push replication, DAO to RDO, Visual Basic, Crystal Reports and Microsoft Access 95.

Melson Technologies, Inc.
11/1992 - 11/1995

Real Estate Systems Consultant

This position required an understanding of real estate operation and acquisition, banking, accounting, and finance. This knowledge was used to develop custom solutions for the troubled loan and REO portfolios of banks. The primary Tools used for development were DataEase for the Asset Management & Disposition System AMDS and Microsoft Access and Visual Basic for ReCAST and Reflections.

  • Primary developer of ReCAST using MS Access 2.0. This portfolio roll-up and reporting system imports financial projections from the leading real estate valuation tools.
  • Primary developer of Reflections using MS Access 2.0. This Executive Information System consolidates accounting and property management information from the SKYLINE real estate accounting system, imports financial projections from the leading real estate valuation tools.
  • Improved the import processes of the DataEase based AMDS that resulted in a threefold improvement in performance.
  • Developed a critical loan system module in DataEase for AMDS using knowledge of loan workout, borrower & guarantor dynamics, loan/collateral valuation as well as data acquisition and conversion.

First Arthur Realty Advisors, Inc.
4/1990 - 11/1992

Senior Real Estate Portfolio Analyst

Managed the Covered Portfolio database consisting of 200 performing and non-performing loans and 400 REO properties. The book value for this portfolio was over 3.4 billion with a market valuation of 2.9 billion.

  • Developed methods and procedures to ensure that First Gibraltar Bank would remain in compliance with the Southwest Plan Assistance Agreement.
  • Automated the reconciliation of the Bank s accounting records with the portfolio s book value and reduced the time required for this task from three weeks to three hours.
  • Compiled the Real Estate group s presentation to the Board of Directors.
  • Developed an asset-level cash flow model using Lotus 1 2 3 that was used by senior management during negotiations for the sale of the Bank to Bank of America.

Texas Instruments, Inc.
6/1988 - 4/1990

Financial Cost Analyst

Responsible for the review, analysis and preparation of budgets, inventory and non-manufacturing overhead valuations, and variance analysis for seven manufacturing programs within the Electro Optics Entity.

  • Improved the performance of several Lotus 1 2 3 templates used to calculate R&D tax credits that remained in compliance with strict governmental CS audit requirements.
  • Developed several Lotus 1 2 3 macro-driven templates that were implemented on other CS programs throughout the Defense Systems Electronics Group at Texas Instruments.

United States Air Force
5/1979 - 6/1985

Site Development Specialist

Assigned to various bases in Germany, Georgia, Korea and Louisiana as an Engineering Assistant Specialist.

  • Selected as "Airman of the Quarter" for the second quarter of 1980, through a board selection process
  • Promoted to Senior Airman ahead of peers through a board selection process
  • Promoted to Staff Sergeant in under four years normal at the time was six years
  • Honorably discharged in 1985


B.B.A. in Finance from Stephen F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches Texas.
Graduated in 1988 with a 3.0 GPA overall and a 3.9 in major.

- References are available upon request. -

Resume 12

Samples represent that of an actual working technical professional found on the WEB and modified to protect the privacy of these professionals. Human names, company names, colleges, software product names are intentionally made up.


Vishi Ravish

Summary of Experience

  • BrainBench Certified Visual Basic, ASP Programmer with 7.0 years of extensive work experience in Client/Server Technologies, which include Visual Basic 5.0/6.0, Oracle 7.x/8.0, MS SQL Server 6.5/7.0.
  • Expertise on COM/DCOM, MTS, MSMQ and IIS Web Server
  • Expertise in HTML/DHTML, ASP 3.0, JavaScript and VBScript.
  • Real Time Experience in Object Oriented Analysis and Design OOAD
  • Proficient knowledge in JAVA 2.0
  • Competent in Latest Dotnet Technologies.
  • Involved in development of 2-tier and 3-tier applications
  • Involved in complete life cycle Design, Development, Testing, Implementation and Maintenance of Business Application Software.
  • Posses strong verbal and communication skills
  • Exposures working in a Team as well as taking decisions independently.

Technical Skills

  • Languages:
    Visual Basic 5.0/6.0,VB.Net, ActiveX, COBOL, Java 1.2, QL,PL/SQL, Transact SQL

  • RDBMS:
    Oracle 8i, 8, 7.x, SQL Server 7.0/2000, MS Access

  • Component Tech:
    COM/DCOM, MTS, Com+.

  • Scripting Languages:
    VBScript, JavaScript, PHP

  • Server-Side Scripting:
    Active Server Pages 2.0/3.0, Dotnet ASPX

  • Network servers:
    Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, AS/400, RedHat Linux 6.2

  • Internet:
    HTML, XML, XSL, Visual Interdev 6.0/7.0, Front Page, IIS

  • Web Designing:
    FrontPage 2000, XML, Macromedia Flash 4, DreamWeaver 3, and Fireworks 2

  • QA Tools:
    WinRunner 5.0

  • Operating Systems:
    Windows 95/98/2000, NT 4.0, Linux, MS-Dos


BrainBench Certified Visual Basic 6.0 Programmer
Score: 3.36 89 Percentile

BrainBench Certified Active Server Programmer
Score: 3.12 76 Percentile

Project Details

November 2001 - Present, West Chester, OH

Senior Programmer

Hardware & O/S: Pentium IV, Windows XP
Software & Tools:
SQL Server 2000, IIS 5.0,Visual InterDev 7.0, Internet Explorer 5.5, Macromedia DreamWeaver 4.0, XML, Visual Basic 7.0, ASP.Net, COM+

Project Title : CreditInfo

CreditInfo is a web-enabled application, deals with Mortgage, Home equity loan, Credit Reporting, Products, flood determinations, online property valuations and closing services as well as Lender Master Protection Products LMP .

Role :

As a Senior Programmer, was involved in a five-member team working with all the technical aspects. Worked closely with my Senior Manager Systems , create project proposal and to determine the cost and time. Identified resources and defined functional specifications. Some of the other duties were:

  • I was charged with designing the architecture of the site / application, Database Design, coding of ASP.Net pages, code review / walkthrough, testing, deployment and documentation. Interaction with client.
  • Taking appraisal of team members
  • Developing the program giving the reliable results
  • The development of a web application to help with the management of the Visual Studio .NET product localization process.
  • The application was developed on Windows XP and MS SQL Server 2000, taking advantage of COM+, XML, XSL and IE6 DHTML.
  • Created Business Objects
  • Created DataAccessLayer
  • Created components COM+
  • Created Controls like Web Calendar, Phone number, SSN
  • Created User Controls
  • Involved in creating stored procedures, views and Functions
  • Generated various reports like Vendors List, Document list, Order Details, Signing List, Funding List and Recordation List and Sales, Using Business Objects
  • Used ADO.Net to access the Database
  • Created ASPX, ASCX, CSSX pages with Visual Interdev
  • Design user interface GUI .
  • Provide First level support to the users.

November 2000 - October 2001
Werris Bank, Chicago, IL

Senior Programmer

Software & Tools::
SQL Server 2000, IIS 5.0,Visual InterDev 6.0, Internet Explorer 5.5, Macromedia DreamWeaver 3.0,Microsoft Front Page 2000 Visual Basic 6.0, ASP 3.0, COM, Visual Interdev

Project Title : Family Fest

Werris Bank is a banking and financial group with over 140 locations in Illinois and part of Bank of Montreal, Canada. The bank holds festival every year for their employees all over the branches. Family Fest is a database driven Intranet web application, which helps employees register electronically for the yearly festival hosted by the bank. The site helps users to create their profile and confirm their participation for the festival with their designated guests. As and when the user registers for the festival, an auto e-mail is sent to the user with the confirmation details through the application s auto e-mail facility. Also, a data-mart is automatically created to maintain the statistics of the participants. Past data was extracted from Access database and ported to SQL Server, so that integrity of data is maintained between the past and current data. Administrators were given the privilege of generating various statistical reports and these data s were shown in the form of HTML pages. The site also provided the feature of downloading the participation card, in case the user wishes to fill in the card manually and mail it to the community affairs department.

Role :

  • Interact with users and create user requirements.
  • Test and implement the application.
  • Create components COM for parsing the age range business logic used in the registration module.
  • Involved in creating stored procedures, views and used ADO to access the Database.
  • Created HTML, DHTML pages with Dreamweaver and Visual Interdev.
  • Design user interface GUI .
  • Provide First level support to the users.

March 2000 - October 2000
Aurora Financial, CA

Senior Programmer

Software & Tools::
MS SQL 7.0, Visual InterDev 6.0, Internet Explorer 5.5, Macromedia Dream Weaver 3.0,Microsoft Front Page 2000, Visual Basic 6.0, ASP, COM, IIS, Crystal Reports

Project Title : AIKS
Worked, as a Senior Programmer with a team of 3 programmers and this system was a method of automating the entire process in the Test Centre. In addition, interface was provided for telemarketers as an intranet application, which consisted of ASP for data entry.

Role :

  • Provide technical assistance to the team
  • Interact with users and create user requirements
  • Define functional specification
  • Design, Develop, Test and implement the application
  • Developed complex user interface where at least 40-45 controls of various types where used and coded the functionality of the module.
  • Wrote DLL s which were later used by other modules
  • Developed modules like MF Maintenance, MIF Maintenance
  • Actively interacted with the Database designers during the analysis and design of the system
  • Design user interface GUI

July 1999 - February 2000
Sidens, Inc., NJ

Senior Programmer

Software & Tools:
IIS 4.0, Visual InterDev 6.0, Internet Explorer 5.5, Macromedia DreamWeaver 3.0,Microsoft FrontPage 2000, XML, Microsoft Transaction Server 2.0 MTS , Domain Name System DNS , Oracle 8i, Visual Basic 6.0, COM, VBScript, JavaScript, ASP2.0.

Project Title : Inventory Management System IMS

Role :

  • Participated in Database Design
  • Designed the Site map and user interfaces
  • Database connectivity using COM ActiveX dll
  • Developed the Purchase Returns Module
  • Generated various reports like sales, stock, debtors, and sales tax, Using COM ActiveX Dll
  • Reports are displayed using XML
  • Accessing the installed components from the MTS through ASP in Visual InterDev
  • Backup was taken using imp80.exe and restored using exp80.exe
  • Implementation of the software at the client s site
  • Configuration of IIS and DNS Server

February 1998 - June 1999
Star Concepts Ltd., India

Senior Programmer

Software & Tools:
MS SQL 6.5, Visual InterDev 6.0, Internet Explorer 5.0, Macromedia DreamWeaver 2.0, IIS 4.0, Microsoft Transaction Server MTS , Domain Name System DNS , COM, Visual Basic 6.0, VBScript, JavaScript, Dreamweaver, ASP 2.0

Project Title : IMASP Independently Mapped Application Service Provider

Role :

  • Configured DNS Server and created sub-domains for Independent Mapping
  • Database connectivity using COM ActiveX dll
  • Created Cascading style sheets on the fly for personalizing user preferences
  • File Upload Module for logo File upload
  • Used CDONTS for sending automated response and newsletters
  • Used SQL Jobs to schedule renewal reminders
  • Accessing the installed components from the MTS through ASP in Visual InterDev
  • Payment Gateway through Transecute
  • Onsite Implementation
  • Technical troubleshooting for the project

October 1997 - January 1998
Star Concepts Ltd., India

Senior Programmer

Software & Tools:
MS SQL 6.5, Visual InterDev 6.0, Internet Explorer 5.0, Macromedia Dream Weaver 2.0, IIS 4.0, Microsoft Transaction Server MTS , Domain Name System DNS , COM, Visual Basic 6.0, VBScript, JavaScript, Dreamweaver, ASP2.0

Project Title : Sales Force Automation SFA

Role :

  • Validation of customer info during registration using VBScript and JavaScript
  • Designed the module for creating database on the fly using ActiveX dll
  • Developed Dynamic Combo Boxes to assign roles to users
  • Developed Dynamic Combo Boxes using COM ActiveX dll
  • Database connectivity using COM ActiveX dll and ASP
  • Generated various reports like Activity, Opportunity and Sales, Using COM ActiveX Dll
  • Used Visual InterDev for editing ASP files
  • Built Recordsets Using ADODB for querying, insertion and updating
  • Accessing the installed components from the MTS through ASP in Visual InterDev
  • Technical troubleshooting for the project

June 1997 - September 1997
Sharp Motors

Senior Programmer

Software & Tools::
ASP 2.0, ADODB, Oracle8, PL/SQL, VB Script, JavaScript, COM, Dreamweaver, Visual Interdev

Project Title : Supply chain management

Role :

  • Validation of consumer ID and Motor s serial number VBScript and Java Script
  • Database connectivity using COM ActiveX dll and ASP
  • Used Visual InterDev for editing ASP files
  • Built Recordsets Using ADODB
  • Technical troubleshooting for the project
  • Implemented transactions, networking, security, web server, application server, Internet protocols etc
  • Participated in development issues related to application performance tuning of Internet based applications

November 1996 - May 1997
ApexCAD Services Pvt. Ltd.

System Analyst / Programmer

Software & Tools: ASP 2.0, Oracle 7.2, IIS

Project Title : Corporate Web site Development

Role :

  • Developed the site-map
  • Developed a module for online status check
  • Database Connectivity using ODBC interfaces with Oracle 7.2.
  • Implementation of the Web Site
  • OO analysis and design for the project
  • Installation and administration and technical troubleshooting of IIS 4.0 for these servers
  • Technical troubleshooting for the project
  • Implemented transactions, networking, security, web server, application server, Internet protocols etc
  • Participated in development issues related to application performance tuning of Internet based applications

June 1996 - October 1996
Ramesh Pumps Pvt Ltd.

System Analyst / Programmer

Software & Tools: ASP 2.0, Visual Interdev, DreamWeaver, VBScript, JavaScript, IIS 4.0

Project Title : Corporate Web site Development

Role :

  • Developed the site-map
  • Developed a Discussion Forum
  • Used PERSITS.MAIL SENDER for sending automated response and newsletters
  • Designed the pages according to the company profile using Macromedia products

December 1995 - May 1996
Spine Solutions India Pvt. Ltd.

System Analyst / Programmer

Software & Tools: Macromedia Flash, Macromedia Dream Weaver

Project Title : Web Site Designing

Role :

  • Designed the Sitemap
  • Designed the Welcome Screen using Macromedia Flash

July 1995 - November 1995
M/s Karthikayani Coir Industry, Salem

System Analyst / Programmer

Software & Tools: Visual Basic 5.0, Oracle 7.2, COM

Project Title : Sales and Distribution Control System

Role :

  • Developed the GUI based Input Forms.
  • Database Connectivity using ODBC interfaces with Oracle 7.2
  • Database connectivity using COM ActiveX dll
  • Implementation of the module at the Customer site
  • Implemented transactions, security etc
  • OO analysis and design for the project
  • Participated in development issues related to application performance tuning of the application

February 1995 - June 1995
KG Training Center, Coimbatore

System Analyst / Programmer

Software & Tools: Visual Basic 5.0, Crystal Reports 4.5 MS Access

Project Title : Education Center Automation System

Role :

  • Visual Basic 5.0 was used for building comprehensive graphical user interface
  • MS- Access was utilized for back-end development. Crystal Report was used for report generation
  • MS NT server 4.0/Windows 95 was the platform used for development.

September 1994 - January 1995
Spine Solutions India Pvt. Ltd.

System Analyst /Programmer

Software & Tools: Visual Basic 5.0,Crystal Reports, MS Access

Project Title : Resource Manager

Role :

  • Developed Forms and Applications Code using VB
  • Report Generation using Crystal Reports

April 1994 - August 1994
M. S. Foundry Suppliers Pvt. Ltd., Kanjikode, Kerala

System Analyst / Programmer

Software & Tools: Visual Basic 5.0 / Oracle 7.2, Crystal Reports

Project Title : Administrative Management System

Role :

  • Designed Database for implementing customer information
  • Designed a module for analyzing data using management strategies
  • Developed User Interface for data input
  • Used crystal reports to create reports
  • Ado s were used for database connectivity

January 1994 - March 1994
Spine Solutions India Private Limited, Coimbatore

Junior Programmer

Software & Tools: Visual Basic 5.0 / MS Access, Crystal Reports

Project Title : Online Evaluation

Role :

  • This site was developed for in-house requirement, to test the probable IT aspirants planning to enter into the organization
  • The site utilizes Visual Basic as front end and Access was used as the Back End
  • Role restricted for design and coding

Resume 13

Samples represent that of an actual working technical professional found on the WEB and modified to protect the privacy of these professionals. Human names, company names, colleges, software product names are intentionally made up.


Brendan Sullivan

San Diego, CA


To secure a position assisting technical staff in the area of application or web software development.


Programming Languages

  • Visual Basic 10+ years
  • Director Lingo/Shockwave 6 years
  • Visual InterDev 6.0 ASP 6 years
  • JavaScript, ActionScript, VBScript
  • Java 4 years
  • PERL 2 years
  • SQL Server 7, 4.21 7 years
  • Visual C++ 4 years
  • Access 6 years
  • Quick Basic/PDS Basic 7 8 years

Programming Libraries

  • ADO, ADOX, DAO 8 years
  • ODBC 8 years
  • DB-Lib 4 years
  • DBM, DBI 2 years
  • ActiveX/COM 8 years
  • MOA 3 yeears
  • DHTML, DynAPI 5 years
  • XML 2 years
  • LiveConnect 5 years
  • DOM 3 years
  • Win32 5 years
  • WinG 2 years
  • DirectX 1 years
  • QuickDraw 1 years
  • Genus GX Graphics Kernal 2 year

Multimedia & Development Tools

  • Macromedia Dreamweaver 5 years
  • Macromedia UltraDev 3 years
  • Macromedia Director 8.0, 4 6 years
  • Macromedia Flash 5 years
  • Macromedia Fireworks 4 years
  • Adobe Photoshop 8 years
  • Adobe Premier 7 years
  • Adobe InDesign 1 year
  • Adobe Acrobat 2 years
  • Caligari trueSpace 6 years
  • 3D Studio Max 2 years
  • Bryce 4 years
  • Poser 4 years
  • Coral Draw 6 years
  • Sound Forge 5 years

Work History

RightSoft, San Diego, CA
Jan 2000 Present

Multimedia Designer & Software Engineer

  • Utilized JavaScript, Visual C++, PERL, ASP, SQL-Server, Lingo, Macromedia s Flash 5 ActionScript to develop cross platform, cross browser DHTML,DynAPI2 , and cross server functionality.
  • Development of in-house web components and extensions for popular web editing software such as Macromedia s Dreamweaver and UltraDev web development software.
  • Contract position with BattleTop, USA a web site for gaming enthusiasts. Developed compelling images that needed to share a common look and feel across multiple forms of media as well as multiple cultures for this rapidly growing & expanding international company. Produced photo realistic images for BattleTop s web site, wall banners, posters, brochures and multimedia CD-ROM s .

Smart Gaming Technology, San Diego, CA
Jan 1997 Dec. 1999

Director of Technology & Software Engineer

  • Utilized Java JDBC, RMI , Macromedia s Shockwave Director 8 Lingo, and Flash s ActionScript and Visual C++ 6.0 for client software.
  • Utilized Visual Basic 6.0, Java, MS-SQL Server 7.0, and Visual InterDev s ASP for server software.
  • Developed back end server system; e-border a geographical IP tracking system , e-commerce , and applied multi-lingual/localization design techniques.
  • Designed and developed gaming software; Blackjack, Baccarat, Video Poker and an online Sports book wagering system.
  • Developed Constellation Casino API a standard API for adding new games and auto-update client functionality.
  • Developed mass rendering subsystem for generating advanced Ray traced graphics and animations to support the multimedia development of future games.
  • Sculpted 3-D objects, video editing and applied MPEG compression techniques for CD-ROM and Internet distribution.

ABC Research Corporation, Solana Beach, CA
May 1996 Jan 1997

Software Engineer

  • Contract position with Hunter Technologies developing a sales reporting application capable of delivering multidimensional charts, graphs, and spreadsheets from a central database server.
  • Contract position with Mercury Media developing animated sequences and interactive games for the commercial home entertainment market using Lingo in Macromedia s Director 5.
  • Contract position with PLANT Equipment designing 911 response and EMS software. Development was based on Windows NT 3.51, MS SQL Server 6.5, Visual Basic 3.0 and Visual Basic 4.0.
  • Development of ABC s E-Metro concepts and prototypes. Netscape VAR and Microsoft Network Developer affiliate. Utilized Java JDBC , and ASP ODBC technologies.
  • Contract position with Scripps Healthcare and Delivery Research designing a 10 gigabyte real time database analysis tools. Visual Basic 3.0, Access, and SQL Server 4.21

American Dispatch Systems, Sorrento Valley, CA
Jan 10, 1994 May 1, 1995

Software Engineer

  • A Microsoft Solution Provider firm designing Sequoia , a medical billing system for Care-Line.
  • Key development under Windows NT 3.5 Server, MS SQL Server 4.21, Visual Basic 3.0
  • Implement fast lower level ODBC API calls for reliable, heavy multi-user environment.
  • Utilized NetAPI for automated internetworked communication with UNIX environment and other Windows NT Servers running 911 Computer Aided Dispatch systems.

Engineering Science Development, Del Mar, CA
Jan. 1991 Jan. 1994

Software Engineer

  • Designed and programmed a graphic editor for engineering/simulation of large scale nuclear and coal power plants using Visual Basic 1.0 the application was later ported to Visual Basic 2.0 .
  • Designed and programmed a graphic translator from a proprietary operating system to Windows, saving the company hundred thousands of dollars using Visual Basic 2.0 and Microsoft C.
  • Added video capture, scanning, photo touchup, digital special effects, perspective drawing and cell animation for this UNIX/X-Windows environment pertaining to user interfaces and power plant simulations.

Crystal Automation Systems, San Diego, CA
April 1990 Dec. 1991

Electical Technician

  • Designed information kiosks and prototypes for user interfaces using Visual Basic 1.0
  • Retrofitted and installed Audio Ease, Domain 6000, environment and security automation systems.
  • Visioneering Research and Development Company, Solana Beach, CA


Please ask for detailed contact information. Additional references available on request.

Resume 14

Samples represent that of an actual working technical professional found on the WEB and modified to protect the privacy of these professionals. Human names, company names, colleges, software product names are intentionally made up.


Alex Farrow

Irvine, CA


Looking for a position to be part of multi-tier client-server application development.

Career Summary:

Microsoft Certified Professional with experience in client server-software development, qualified by over 7 years of software design, implementation, and testing experience in Automobile, Utility, Consulting, Staffing, Pharmaceutical, Financial, Merchandising, Real estate, PC manufacturing, and Technical institute industries.


Exam 70-176: Designing and Implementing Desktop Applications with Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Dec. 99


  • Internet:
    Java Server Pages, Active Server Pages 3.0, Internet Information Server IIS 5.0, Sun J2EE, J2ME, Sun Forte for Java 2.0, Apache Tomcat Web server, and XML

  • Databases:
    MS SQL server 6.0/6.5/7.0, MS Access 2.0/95/97, Watcom SQL

  • Languages:
    MS Visual Basic 6/5/4/3, MS VB Script, Java Script, Java, C, C++, HTML

  • Operating Systems:
    MS Windows NT 3.5,4.0, MS Windows 2000/95/3.11, DOS

  • Miscellaneous:
    Rational Rose 4.0/98, Crystal Reports, RDO, DAO, ADO, MTS, and UML

Professional Experience:

3/2001 - Present, Sacramento, CA

Sr. Team Lead Programmer

Environment :Win NT,2K/VB6/ Server 7/SQL Server 2K/ASP/

Project :Phoenix Online Intranet Application

  • Programmed enhancements and bug fixes in OOP framework consisting of VB ActiveX Controls front end, business and data layer Objects and ASP pages. This application helps Royalty department enter and manage commissions for distributors. Programmed Stored Procedures for data layer objects.
  • Designed XML driven odbc connection switching program using VB6 DLLs. This DLL was driven by SQL Server Job automatically. I Programmed DLL object to invoke an error message via Java Script from intranet application to send it to help desk. I used the registry object to extract settings to send along the error message.
  • Programmed VB6 DLL Object to automatically update certain flags in main frame system via MSMQ on nightly basis driven by SQL Server Job. This DLL would invoke stored procedure, populate ADO recordset, create a text message, send it to Queue using MSMQ objects, and created a text file for confirmation purposes. It also logged error messages in event log.
  • Helped junior programmer to write an intranet ASP application to monitor crystal report statement processes. Based on combo box selection, stored procedures were called and results were rendered on the output page. Performed code review for other developers.
  • Trained junior programmers on,, and
  • Programmed application using and to get distributor information within an OOP framework. Used server controls such as list controls and grid controls. Also programmed config XML file to set constant values such as odbc connection.
  • Programmed Web Forms to host user controls and use dataset/datareader objects to perform operations.

Senior Programmer United Staffing, Aliso Viejo, CA
June 99 Feb. 01

Security Architecture

Environment :Win NT/VB6/ADO/SQL Server 7

  • Designed and implemented security objects that would work with existing framework and provide allow access to screens based on permissions.
  • Programmed security utility for operations department to assign security on the screen to take effect upon the front and back office applications.

Project :Back Office Application

Environment : Win NT/VB6/ADO/SQL Server 7/ASP 3.0

  • Programmed Job Order Screens to add functionality of permanent job order to work with different tabs and the COM objects.
  • Added functionality to the object-oriented framework to work with the Job Order screens.
  • Designed stored procedures to process data related to permanent job order.
  • Implemented options in order to enter invoices on the miscellaneous invoices screen.
  • Programmed User Services such as Cookies, Session Objects, File Processing, and Mail

Project :Front Office Application

Environment :Win NT/VB6/ADO/SQL Server 7

  • Programmed middle tier objects to process Garnishments in the payroll based on the clients business rules.
  • Interviewed users and managers to extract business rules and documented them in the form of use cases.
  • Worked with front end developer to ensure that screens extracted and performed correct calculations to garnish paychecks. Programmed test scenarios in Excel spread sheets.
  • Designed stored procedures to extract and process data for the payroll object interface. Reports Crystal 7.0, SQL Server 7
  • Configured reports and programmed several stored procedures to extract data for reports like Vendor Usage Summary, Miscellaneous Invoices, Temporary and Permanent invoices etc.
  • Implemented reports in detail, summary and various grouping levels within the reports.

Pacific Mirror, Newport Beach, CA
December. 98 June 99

Senior Programmer

Project :Surveillance

Environment :Win NT/VB5,6/SQL Server/Crystal Reports/ASP 2.0

  • Designed views and stored procedures against SQL Server 6.5 to drive crystal reports.
  • Programmed and supported surveillance VB5 application which keeps track of Loan and Property information.
  • Programmed VB6 application to process remotely stored files and run stored procedures.
  • Guided team of junior programmers to design Help Desk application.
  • Programmed pages using ASP 2.0 and ADO 2.0 to get listing of properties on the web.

National Resources, Irvine, CA
Apr. 98 Dec. 98

Senior Programmer

Project :Daily Lock box File

Environment :Win NT/VB5/SQL Server/Crystal Reports/Rational Rose

  • Designed stored procedures to get data from SQL server for Brand ID application.
  • Modeled sequence diagrams in Rational Rose for back end billing system.
  • Designed use case and sequence diagrams to model daily lock box file import procedure.
  • Gathered user requirements and produced design documents.
  • Programmed middle tier objects to tie to both Access and SQL server databases.
  • Designed thin client user interface screens to work with business tier objects to interact with data from the back end database.

Project :Payroll Application

Environment :Win. NT/VB5/VBA/MS Access/SQL Server 6.5/Rational Rose

  • Programmed Business objects in VB5 so that they could be divided into User Interface, Business, and Persistent Objects. Designed objects so that they could be deployed in DCOM environment using MTS.
  • Programmed payroll summary module in VB5 to access data from SQL server using ADO and output data in the form of reports using Crystal reports.
  • Updated incorrect data at the SQL server back-end database using SQL.
  • Created utility in MS Access to generate SQL scripts to modify data at the back end SQL Server.
  • Reviewed use cases and sequence diagrams for new RAS application.

FastStart Tech., Newport Beach, CA
Nov. 97 Apr. 98

Senior Programmer

Project :Delta Application

Environment :Win. NT / VB 5/ SQL Server 6.5

  • Assisted in the design and development of object oriented classes for Sales and Accounting system to sell technical courses to the Fortune 500 companies.
  • Used object-oriented methodology to design classes to create course packages including line items for each package. These classes would also take care of calculating costs and discounts.
  • Designed user interface, classes, and modules to enroll students in the courses. This code would also show history of enrollment including cancelled enrollments.
  • Programmed objects to fill screens with corresponding events for the courses.
  • Modified database structure in SQL server to properly interact with the front-end screens using special predefined database objects.

Project :RoboRebate Application

Environment :Win. 95 / VBA/MS Excel/ MS Access/SQL Server 6.5

  • Built reports in Excel 97 for drugs provided by PacifiCare to its customers. Designed SQL program to get data from SQL server.
  • Programmed in visual basic for excel to design the reports. Used built in Excel object model to manipulate the cells and rows of the sheets to create the report.
  • Designed Front end screens in MS Access and wrote visual basic for access code to manage data between SQL server and front end. These front-end screens were designed to handle data about different drugs and their rebate criteria with respect to the manufacturers and rebate group families.

Aurora Financial Services, Irvine, CA
Nov. 96 Oct. 97

Senior Programmer Analyst

Project :Core System Project

Environment :Win. NT 4 / VB 5 / SQL Server 6.5 / Rational Rose 4.0

  • Generated classes for Visual Basic 5.0 from object models implemented in Rational Rose 4.0.
  • Implemented Round Trip Engineering to synchronize the Visual Basic 5.0 code with the object models.
  • Designed code generator program to build In Process Active Servers . This code generator , driven by the generated classes, added customized methods, properties, and error handling in the final active server.
  • Built COM objects using the output of code generator and maintained binary compatibility with respect to different revisions of the objects.
  • Programmed Test Harness program to refer different COM objects into the project and test all the methods and properties so that the objects could read from and save data to the database.

Project :Store Trak 2

Environment :Win. 95 / VB 3.0 / SQL Server 6.5 /Crystal Reports

  • Maintained and added modules to the reporting application to print status reports of the merchandising.
  • Upgraded the application from VB3.0 to VB4.0 utilizing object-oriented methodology.
  • Designed Queries in Access and SQL Server environment.
  • Performed SQL Server administrative tasks such as monitoring performance, data migration between remote servers and data structure for front-end programmers.
  • Programmed stored procedures to run reports straight from the SQL Server.

New Century Intl., Irvine, CA
Apr. 95-Dec. 96


Project :VISTA System

Environment :Win. 95 / VB 4.0 / Access 2.0/ SQL Server 6.5

  • Designed and implemented modules to download all the offices per selected regions.
  • Programmed screens and queries to access data from SQL Server.
  • Used DAO functions to create tables for data manipulation.

Project :Member Information System

Environment :Win. 3.11 / VB 3.0 / SQL Server 4.2

  • Built and tested modules to perform auto fax feature from the application. Also used in house program library functions to code features.

Project :National Advertising Fund

Environment :Win. 3.11 / Access 2.0 / SQL Server 4.2

  • Integrated and designed reports to deliver information about advertising fund collected from several offices.
  • Supported and maintained reports for the operation center and trained new users.
  • Programmed Queries to prepare underline tables for fast and accurate data retrieval.

Project :Century Incentive Bonus

Environment :Win. 3.11 / Access 2.0 / SQL Server 4.2

  • Constructed the reporting application to make important decisions regarding bonuses from affiliate offices.
  • Designed Forms, Queries, Reports, and Stored Procedures for the reporting application.

ABC Research, Irvine, CA
Apr. 94-Apr. 95


Project : Hard Disk Master

Environment :Win. 3.11/ Turbo C/C++

  • Built GUI using C and Visual Basic 3.0 to populate Hard disk with commercial applications.
  • This program prepared hard disk for one shot installation of Microsoft applications on the new computer hard drive.
  • Tested Microsoft applications on the new systems.
  • Designed functions to modify system initialization files appropriately.

New System Tax Services, Garden Grove, CA
Dec. 94-Feb. 95


Project : WinTax

Environment :Win. 3.11/ Borland C, C++/Watcom SQL server

  • Designed functions in C language to retrieve data from remote site and populate user screens.
  • Used ODBC calls to interact with the back end database.
  • Programmed screen controls using low level Windows API calls.
  • Designed algorithms for fast data retrieval.

ITT United, Buena Park, CA
Aug. 91-Dec. 94

Programming Instructor

  • Taught C Programming, Windows, and DOS.
  • Instructed courses like circuit analysis and design.

Link Technologies, Inc., Garden Grove, CA
Jun. 89-Jul. 91

Hardware Engineer

  • Proposed, installed, and supported PC system solutions for clients business needs.


Preparing for MCSD April 2001 expected date

  • Client server application development using Visual Basic 5.0
  • Programming in Visual Basic 3.0
  • Implementing a Database of MS SQL server for Windows NT

Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL. May 1989
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering

Resume 15

Samples represent that of an actual working technical professional found on the WEB and modified to protect the privacy of these professionals. Human names, company names, colleges, software product names are intentionally made up.


Vikas Virma


Have over 9 years of experience in developing standalone and web applications using Visual Basic, ASP and SQL Server.


BS Computer Science


Strong experience in web development for E-Commerce, B2C and B2B applications, using:

  • OOAD Object Oriented Analysis and Design
  • UML Rational Rose
  • N-Tier architecture

Strong experience in developing standalone and web applications using:

  • Visual Basic and Active Server pages ASP
  • VBScript, Java, JavaScript, DHTML, Cascading Style sheets CSS and HTML

Strong experience developing middle tier components using

  • VB, VBA, COM, DCOM, COM+, Active X and MTS.

Strong experience in database development using databases:

  • SQL Server 2000, 7.0, 6.5 T-SQL
  • Oracle 8i PL/SQL
  • MS Access 2000

Strong experience with XML, XSLT and VML.

Good working knowledge of .NET framework DOTNET , VB.NET, ASP.NET, C#, SOAP, Erwin and Biztalk 2000

Strong experience with development environment tools like:

  • Visual SourceSafe
  • Visual Interdev/ Visual Studio
  • Visio
  • IIS
  • Toad


American Way, Atlanta
MAR 02 TO Current

Project:Speakers Bureau SB is a web application developed using the latest .Net technologies from Microsoft.

  • The Speakers Bureau processes requests for speakers, tours and campaign related corporate volunteer projects for the American Way.
  • It aims at saving time and to providing world-class service to all parties and to account for & evaluate all American Way events.
  • SB provides a variety of reports & statistical summaries of speakers, engagements/tours/volunteer projects, evaluation of speakers/tours. Activity logs can be viewed, printed, exported to spreadsheet application for editing & analysis. SB also has the ability to share data with other applications to perform mail merge & other database management.
  • Designed and implemented the web application in ASP.NET and C#
  • Developed a windows application to create and fax documents using the windows fax service. This application has been written using C# and ADO.NET

Tools used:ASP.NET, C#, ADO.NET, SQL SERVER 2000.

AvistaCom, Atlanta
JAN 02 TO Current

  • Currently implementing a web application to process Service Requests for an Asset Management application.
  • The Service requests are entered into the system using forms designed in ASP.NET.
  • The data access classes are written in C# using ADO.NET.
  • Stored procedures and views being written in T-SQL.
  • Implementing pages using DataGrid control and TabStrip control along with PageView controls from Microsoft.

Tools used:.NET, C#, ADO.NET, SQL SERVER 2000.

UPS Logistics, Addison, GA
APR 02 TO JUN 02

  • Implemented a TM Transportation Manager Integration EDI Monitor.
  • This consisted of a web application and a standalone VB application.
  • The VB application would facilitate TM reprocessing of failed transmissions by renaming files that have failed during processing.
  • The web application was used to report these failed transmissions. It was written in ASP using ADO, with Oracle as the database server.

Tools used:Visual Basic 6, Active Server Pages, JavaScript, Oracle8 and Toad.

Strong Measurement, Inc., Atlanta
OCT 00 TO JAN 02

  • Strong Measurement creates certification preparation software.
  • Worked as a senior developer/architect in creating the authoring tool, which is a standalone Windows application. The content developers create the tests using this tool. This involved interacting with the content authors to design the requirements. The
  • Authoring Tool was written in Visual Basic 6. It consisted of classes configured as ADO data sources. The Authoring Tool allowed the authors to create case studies and simulation question types for the tests. Due to the dynamic nature of the test content, data was stored in XML format.
  • Designed and developed an XML mapping for the tests as per the IMS QTI specification. This module was part of the Authoring Tool and allowed the authors to export the test to the QTI format.
  • Implemented the functionality to export the tests to XML, CSV and HTML formats using XSLT.
  • Implemented the printing capability for these tests using XSLT and VML. The same code base was used in implementing the web interface.
  • Implemented the stored procedures, triggers and views required for the case studies and simulation question types in SQL Server 7.
  • Implemented the web interface using ASP and JavaScript.

Tools used:VISUAL BASIC 6, ACTIVE SERVER PAGES, SQL SERVER, JavaScript, XML MSXML parser , XSLT MSXML parser , SAX MSXML parser , Turbo XML Tibco and VML.

AQUAFAX, Atlanta

Worked as a Senior Developer in designing/developing a Telephone Banking application for financial institutions.

  • Worked as the technical lead to design, develop and deliver an Internet Banking application for corporate and home users.
  • Implemented 3 web applications using ASP and JavaScript.
  • Implemented the middle tier consisted of a VB DLL, which would update/retrieve data in/from, a SQL Server. ADO was extensively used for this purpose.
  • Also worked on a lot of the backend processes, which were primarily VB applications.
  • The client side validations for the web applications were done in JavaScript.
  • Designed and developed the report scheduler and report processor in VB. These applications would schedule and process the reports to be generated.
  • Developed the ACH processor in VB using XML. This processor would create ACH files from data stored in the SQL Server database.
  • Besides application development, have been involved in stress testing and reviewing the performance of the web applications in a live environment. The tools used for this were performance monitor, MTS, Microsoft Stress application tool and some custom utilities.
  • Have also designed the middle tier so that it can be used in COM+/MTS and evaluating the use of SOAP in the existing applications.
  • Implemented and designed the database using ERWIN for Data modeling and SQL Server.

Tools used:VISUAL BASIC, ACTIVE SERVER PAGES, SQL SERVER, ERWIN 3.5.2, IIS, RATIONAL ROSE, JavaScript, IQ Reports, Crystal reports, MTS, XML, Microsoft Stress application tool, XML, SOAP.


Was involved in the design and implementation of a Web site for the above client. The client web site would have an ODBC compliant database with the GUI being applets implemented in JAVA.



As a Senior Developer have designed and implemented a multimedia CD-ROM title for the client. This CD-ROM was designed keeping in mind that the client might want to port the same to Internet paradigm. The content was created in the file format used on the Internet. As a result controls used on the Internet were used for reading these file formats. Controls like Microsoft VRML control required further customization to be integrated into Visual Basic.



As a Senior Developer, was involved in the design of the system and the implementation of the database requirements of a congress system. The congress system had to support 4000 delegates. This was coded in Visual Basic 4.0 32 Bit and Microsoft Access. The final acceptance testing was done in Breda, Holland.



As a Senior Developer, was involved in the design of the Web site for UNICEF, Bangladesh. This Web site was to be a reflection of the CD-ROM previously designed for them.

Tools used:PERL, JAVA


As a Technical Manager, was involved in the design and implementation of a Web site for MAS, USA. MAS Matchushita Avionics Systems is an organization involved in the design and creation of In-flight Entertainment Systems for various airlines. They wanted their design and production departments to be able to access the PCB design and part specifications for In-flight Systems, online. We implemented a web site for them that would present the latest PCB layouts.



Have implemented a Java applet with a database backend, realizing that most clients would need a database driven Web site. Used third party JAVA-ODBC API and a JAVA ODBC bridge from XDB systems to achieve the same.



As Technical Manager, have designed a presentation tool in Java. This tool was used as a demonstration of the Java skills our organization possessed. It was designed keeping in mind the current Airline In-flight Entertainment presentations we had. It gave the organization an opportunity to understand the various tools involved in creating applications for the Internet.



As a Technical Manager, have designed an interactive multimedia quiz for road shows held at various locations in the UK keep their employees aware of the importance of their Asian travelers. This was coded in Visual Basic and Microsoft Access. I was involved in the design, coding and final installation of their system at their various locations.



As a Technical Manager, I have developed a CD-ROM title for UNICEF, Bangladesh. UNICEF wanted us to highlight their achievements and their future goals for Bangladesh in an interactive CD-ROM title. This was an encyclopedia encapsulating all their achievements and future goals. This CD-ROM title was in Visual Basic and Microsoft Access.



As a Technical Manager, was involved in the creation of CD-ROM title called Karishma . This was an information title on the various aspects of India and was targeted at Non Resident Indian Kids. Besides coding in the key areas, I was involved in understanding the various issues involved in creating a CD-ROM title. Karishma was coded in Visual Basic 3.0 and Microsoft Access.



As a Programmer, have created a presentation using Multimedia Toolbook along with graphics packages like AutoDesk 3D studio and AutoDesk Animator Pro. This multimedia presentation was required for their products displayed at COMDEX 93.