Registration in our system does not guarantee a space in the group!
To reserve a spot, please make your first payment!

Pay here


1) School Information:

4970 El Camino Real, Suite #110
Los Altos, CA 94022

2) Student Information:

Contact Information:

Personal Information:

Emergency Contact:

Program Information:

3) I visited the Portnov Computer School, was provided with the campus tour, and received an overview of following information:

The School Rules, Procedures, and Policies

*The Portnov Computer School catalog - online Click Here to Open

*Withdrawal & Refunds policies Click Here to Open

*The Refund policy and the examples of calculating a refund Click Here to Open

*Rules of Operation Click Here to Open

*School Performance Fact Sheet Click Here to Open

*Annual Report Click Here to Open

*Non-Discrimination Policy Click Here to Open

(In order to continue, you should READ ALL the Rules, Procedures, and Policies above.)



4) BUYER'S RIGHT TO CANCEL. The student has a right to cancel this agreement and obtain a refund.
You may cancel this Enrollment Agreement and receive a refund by providing a written notice to:
Director. Portnov Computer School. 4970 El Camino Real, Suite #110 Los Altos CA 94022.

5) REFUND POLICY. If the student signed the Enrollment Agreement but never attended the course, or cancelled the Enrollment Agreement prior to or on the first day of instruction, the School will refund the amount paid less the amount of $250.00 for the registration fee. A refund of charges will be paid through attendance at the first class session, or the seventh day after enrollment, whichever is later. If the student has attended the course and withdraws from the course after the first day of instruction but prior to completion of the course, or otherwise fails to complete the course or the period of enrollment, a student who has completed 60 percent or less of the course will be paid by the School a prorated refund of the unused portion of tuition. Refund will be paid within 30 days following the date upon which the student's withdrawal has been determined. If the School cancels or discontinues a course, the School will make a full refund of all charges paid for the course that was not provided. The refund will be paid within 30 days following the date upon which the course has been determined as cancelled or discontinued.

Example of calculating a prorated refund.

A student has completed 16 hours out of 160 hours of tuition, and by the time of withdrawal paid $1,800.00 for the course. The total fee for the course is $5,200.00. The registration fee of $250.00 is non-refundable. The hourly charge for tuition is $5,200.00 – $250.00)/160 = $30.94 The fee for tuition received is 16 x $30.94 = $495.04.

The total amount owed by the student is $495.04 (tuition) + $250.00 (non-refundable fees) = $745.04.

The student has received 16/160 = 10% of tuition and is entitled to a refund.

The School will refund $1,054.96 ((One Thousand Fifty Four dollars and Ninety Six cents)): $1,800.00 (paid by the student) - $745.04 (owed by the student) = $1,054.96



7) We are registered with the State of California. Registration means we have certified to the state that we meet the requirements imposed by the state for registered institutions. Registration does not mean that we have been evaluated or approved by the state, or that we have met the standards required by the state for institutions that are approved to operate or that the state has verified the information we submitted with our registration.

8) Any questions or problems concerning this school which have not been satisfactorily answered or resolved by the school should be directed to the Bureau for Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education in the Department of Consumer Affairs.
Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education, 1747 N. Market Blvd. Ste 225 Sacramento, CA 95834.
Phone: 916-574-8900, toll free 888-370-7589, FAX: 916-263-1897.

9) This Agreement is not operative until the student attends the first session of instruction.

10) The student is obligated to notify the School of any address and/or phone change until the total amount for the course is paid in full.

11) This agreement is legally binding instrument title when signed by the student and accepted by the School.


Transferability of Units Earned at our School

Units you earn in our Software Quality Assurance career training in most cases probably will not be transferable to any other college or university in the future even though you earned units here at our School. In addition, if you earn a certificate in our Software Quality Assurance career training, in most cases it probably will not serve as a basis for obtaining a degree at a college or university.

I certify that Portnov Computer School has met the disclosure requirements conforming me with the Sections 94931(d)(8) and 94816 of the New Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education Reform Act of 1998.

Director of Operations: Sofia Pravdina

Date: Monday, October 21 2024


Addendum to Enrollment Agreement

Graduation Eligibility Requirements and Rules

Mid-term test passed with 70% score or above

1. The mid-term test can be taken no more than 2 times with at least one week in between
2. If failed 2 times the student is allowed to retake the entire class/program at no charge for one time only

Final test passed with 70% score and above

1. The final test can be taken no more than 3 times with at least one week in between
2. If failed 3 times the student is allowed to retake the entire class/program at no charge for one time only

Internship Clearance interview passed

1. The Internship Clearance can be taken no more than 4 times with at least one week in between
2. Scheduled Clearance that was missed by the student without prior notice is counted as a failure toward the total count of 4 attempts
3. If failed 4 times the student is allowed to retake the entire class/program at no charge for one time only

Internship Completed

* Retaking classes/programs will be arranged by the School on availability basis
** All the above conditions will be automatically satisfied by obtaining employment in the field.

Internship eligibility requirements

1. Pass mid-term and final exam for the SQA Class
2. Have internship resume prepared
3. Pass Internship Clearance Interview (project, technical and SQA interview questions)
4. Pay tuition in full

Internship rules and conditions

1. Internships are provided based on your marketability level and/or possible limitations you might have (geographic, non-driving, visa status, and such). The School makes its best effort to match your needs with the positions we have available. But it cannot guarantee neither of the following

a. Paid internship;
b. Specific location;
c. Opportunity to utilize specific test automation tool;
d. Employment offered at the end of the internship.

2. Most of Internships are 6-12 weeks long with possible variations

3. Your family matters, employment/visa status, vacations, schedules, other limitations should be reported to the school at the completion of the clearance process and discussed before we submit your resume to the companies, not after

4. We do not schedule interviews without prior approval of the student

5. If you reject an internship offer extended by the company, where you agreed to go to, for any reason except force majeure situations, then the School has no further obligation to offer you another internship

6. Our program includes one internship placement as a part of our curriculum. Each consequent internship placement would require taking one more class at full (not discounted) catalog price

a. We might send students to interviews for the purpose of developing their interviewing skills;
b. If multiple offers are extended then the student should accept at least one offer;
c. In a force majeure situation of economic, job market, student marketability nature the school guarantees to every student an in- house, 2-3 months internship opportunity.

7. Students are required to provide a list of questions received during each interview arranged by the School, along with their detailed answers. Interview feedback is to be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Consecutive interviews will not be arranged if interview feedback is not received or doesn't contain detailed information.

8. Interview clearance is given for 3 interviews. To get clearance for next 3 interviews student would need to have a Review with School counselor where interview reports are discussed.

9. Students are required to send weekly internship status reports for the duration of internship. Reports are to be send to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Job Market resume assistance will not be provided without weekly status reports and summary report for the entire internship.

10. Graduates who are requesting paid only internship would have 3 interviews scheduled with no obligation of further placement on the School site and no opportunity to switch to unpaid internship after choosing that venue.

11. Student who rejects to go for 3 interviews accumulatively should go through an Internship Clearance one more time. After 2 more rejections by that same student the School has no further placement obligations.

12. School administration might request that student repeats Internship Clearance process if substantial time (1 month+) passed after those processes were completed

13. Administration might give one time clearance to current students and graduates based on specific request of a company/employer. One-time clearance does not substitute for the Internship Clearance processes being completed.

P.S. In a force majeure situation of economics, job market, student’s marketability, etc. the School GUARANTEES to provide in-house 1-2 months internship opportunity to every student.

Memorandum of Understanding is to be acknowledged and signed at the time of entering the internship. Students agree to submit weekly Internship Status Reports as the part of their internship training.






Date: Monday, October 21 2024